/** * web-streams-polyfill v3.2.1 */ /// var SymbolPolyfill = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol' ? Symbol : function (description) { return "Symbol(" + description + ")"; }; /// function noop() { return undefined; } function getGlobals() { if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { return self; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { return global; } return undefined; } var globals = getGlobals(); function typeIsObject(x) { return (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) || typeof x === 'function'; } var rethrowAssertionErrorRejection = noop; var originalPromise = Promise; var originalPromiseThen = Promise.prototype.then; var originalPromiseResolve = Promise.resolve.bind(originalPromise); var originalPromiseReject = Promise.reject.bind(originalPromise); function newPromise(executor) { return new originalPromise(executor); } function promiseResolvedWith(value) { return originalPromiseResolve(value); } function promiseRejectedWith(reason) { return originalPromiseReject(reason); } function PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) { // There doesn't appear to be any way to correctly emulate the behaviour from JavaScript, so this is just an // approximation. return originalPromiseThen.call(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected); } function uponPromise(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) { PerformPromiseThen(PerformPromiseThen(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected), undefined, rethrowAssertionErrorRejection); } function uponFulfillment(promise, onFulfilled) { uponPromise(promise, onFulfilled); } function uponRejection(promise, onRejected) { uponPromise(promise, undefined, onRejected); } function transformPromiseWith(promise, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) { return PerformPromiseThen(promise, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler); } function setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(promise) { PerformPromiseThen(promise, undefined, rethrowAssertionErrorRejection); } var queueMicrotask = (function () { var globalQueueMicrotask = globals && globals.queueMicrotask; if (typeof globalQueueMicrotask === 'function') { return globalQueueMicrotask; } var resolvedPromise = promiseResolvedWith(undefined); return function (fn) { return PerformPromiseThen(resolvedPromise, fn); }; })(); function reflectCall(F, V, args) { if (typeof F !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Argument is not a function'); } return Function.prototype.apply.call(F, V, args); } function promiseCall(F, V, args) { try { return promiseResolvedWith(reflectCall(F, V, args)); } catch (value) { return promiseRejectedWith(value); } } // Original from Chromium // https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/0aee4434a4dba42a42abaea9bfbc0cd196a63bc1/third_party/blink/renderer/core/streams/SimpleQueue.js var QUEUE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 16384; /** * Simple queue structure. * * Avoids scalability issues with using a packed array directly by using * multiple arrays in a linked list and keeping the array size bounded. */ var SimpleQueue = /** @class */ (function () { function SimpleQueue() { this._cursor = 0; this._size = 0; // _front and _back are always defined. this._front = { _elements: [], _next: undefined }; this._back = this._front; // The cursor is used to avoid calling Array.shift(). // It contains the index of the front element of the array inside the // front-most node. It is always in the range [0, QUEUE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE). this._cursor = 0; // When there is only one node, size === elements.length - cursor. this._size = 0; } Object.defineProperty(SimpleQueue.prototype, "length", { get: function () { return this._size; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); // For exception safety, this method is structured in order: // 1. Read state // 2. Calculate required state mutations // 3. Perform state mutations SimpleQueue.prototype.push = function (element) { var oldBack = this._back; var newBack = oldBack; if (oldBack._elements.length === QUEUE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE - 1) { newBack = { _elements: [], _next: undefined }; } // push() is the mutation most likely to throw an exception, so it // goes first. oldBack._elements.push(element); if (newBack !== oldBack) { this._back = newBack; oldBack._next = newBack; } ++this._size; }; // Like push(), shift() follows the read -> calculate -> mutate pattern for // exception safety. SimpleQueue.prototype.shift = function () { // must not be called on an empty queue var oldFront = this._front; var newFront = oldFront; var oldCursor = this._cursor; var newCursor = oldCursor + 1; var elements = oldFront._elements; var element = elements[oldCursor]; if (newCursor === QUEUE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) { newFront = oldFront._next; newCursor = 0; } // No mutations before this point. --this._size; this._cursor = newCursor; if (oldFront !== newFront) { this._front = newFront; } // Permit shifted element to be garbage collected. elements[oldCursor] = undefined; return element; }; // The tricky thing about forEach() is that it can be called // re-entrantly. The queue may be mutated inside the callback. It is easy to // see that push() within the callback has no negative effects since the end // of the queue is checked for on every iteration. If shift() is called // repeatedly within the callback then the next iteration may return an // element that has been removed. In this case the callback will be called // with undefined values until we either "catch up" with elements that still // exist or reach the back of the queue. SimpleQueue.prototype.forEach = function (callback) { var i = this._cursor; var node = this._front; var elements = node._elements; while (i !== elements.length || node._next !== undefined) { if (i === elements.length) { node = node._next; elements = node._elements; i = 0; if (elements.length === 0) { break; } } callback(elements[i]); ++i; } }; // Return the element that would be returned if shift() was called now, // without modifying the queue. SimpleQueue.prototype.peek = function () { // must not be called on an empty queue var front = this._front; var cursor = this._cursor; return front._elements[cursor]; }; return SimpleQueue; }()); function ReadableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(reader, stream) { reader._ownerReadableStream = stream; stream._reader = reader; if (stream._state === 'readable') { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitialize(reader); } else if (stream._state === 'closed') { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitializeAsResolved(reader); } else { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(reader, stream._storedError); } } // A client of ReadableStreamDefaultReader and ReadableStreamBYOBReader may use these functions directly to bypass state // check. function ReadableStreamReaderGenericCancel(reader, reason) { var stream = reader._ownerReadableStream; return ReadableStreamCancel(stream, reason); } function ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader) { if (reader._ownerReadableStream._state === 'readable') { defaultReaderClosedPromiseReject(reader, new TypeError("Reader was released and can no longer be used to monitor the stream's closedness")); } else { defaultReaderClosedPromiseResetToRejected(reader, new TypeError("Reader was released and can no longer be used to monitor the stream's closedness")); } reader._ownerReadableStream._reader = undefined; reader._ownerReadableStream = undefined; } // Helper functions for the readers. function readerLockException(name) { return new TypeError('Cannot ' + name + ' a stream using a released reader'); } // Helper functions for the ReadableStreamDefaultReader. function defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitialize(reader) { reader._closedPromise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { reader._closedPromise_resolve = resolve; reader._closedPromise_reject = reject; }); } function defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(reader, reason) { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitialize(reader); defaultReaderClosedPromiseReject(reader, reason); } function defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitializeAsResolved(reader) { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitialize(reader); defaultReaderClosedPromiseResolve(reader); } function defaultReaderClosedPromiseReject(reader, reason) { if (reader._closedPromise_reject === undefined) { return; } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(reader._closedPromise); reader._closedPromise_reject(reason); reader._closedPromise_resolve = undefined; reader._closedPromise_reject = undefined; } function defaultReaderClosedPromiseResetToRejected(reader, reason) { defaultReaderClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(reader, reason); } function defaultReaderClosedPromiseResolve(reader) { if (reader._closedPromise_resolve === undefined) { return; } reader._closedPromise_resolve(undefined); reader._closedPromise_resolve = undefined; reader._closedPromise_reject = undefined; } var AbortSteps = SymbolPolyfill('[[AbortSteps]]'); var ErrorSteps = SymbolPolyfill('[[ErrorSteps]]'); var CancelSteps = SymbolPolyfill('[[CancelSteps]]'); var PullSteps = SymbolPolyfill('[[PullSteps]]'); /// // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isFinite#Polyfill var NumberIsFinite = Number.isFinite || function (x) { return typeof x === 'number' && isFinite(x); }; /// // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/trunc#Polyfill var MathTrunc = Math.trunc || function (v) { return v < 0 ? Math.ceil(v) : Math.floor(v); }; // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-dictionaries function isDictionary(x) { return typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function'; } function assertDictionary(obj, context) { if (obj !== undefined && !isDictionary(obj)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not an object."); } } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-callback-functions function assertFunction(x, context) { if (typeof x !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(context + " is not a function."); } } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-object function isObject(x) { return (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) || typeof x === 'function'; } function assertObject(x, context) { if (!isObject(x)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not an object."); } } function assertRequiredArgument(x, position, context) { if (x === undefined) { throw new TypeError("Parameter " + position + " is required in '" + context + "'."); } } function assertRequiredField(x, field, context) { if (x === undefined) { throw new TypeError(field + " is required in '" + context + "'."); } } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-unrestricted-double function convertUnrestrictedDouble(value) { return Number(value); } function censorNegativeZero(x) { return x === 0 ? 0 : x; } function integerPart(x) { return censorNegativeZero(MathTrunc(x)); } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-unsigned-long-long function convertUnsignedLongLongWithEnforceRange(value, context) { var lowerBound = 0; var upperBound = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; var x = Number(value); x = censorNegativeZero(x); if (!NumberIsFinite(x)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not a finite number"); } x = integerPart(x); if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { throw new TypeError(context + " is outside the accepted range of " + lowerBound + " to " + upperBound + ", inclusive"); } if (!NumberIsFinite(x) || x === 0) { return 0; } // TODO Use BigInt if supported? // let xBigInt = BigInt(integerPart(x)); // xBigInt = BigInt.asUintN(64, xBigInt); // return Number(xBigInt); return x; } function assertReadableStream(x, context) { if (!IsReadableStream(x)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not a ReadableStream."); } } // Abstract operations for the ReadableStream. function AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream) { return new ReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); } // ReadableStream API exposed for controllers. function ReadableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest) { stream._reader._readRequests.push(readRequest); } function ReadableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, chunk, done) { var reader = stream._reader; var readRequest = reader._readRequests.shift(); if (done) { readRequest._closeSteps(); } else { readRequest._chunkSteps(chunk); } } function ReadableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) { return stream._reader._readRequests.length; } function ReadableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) { var reader = stream._reader; if (reader === undefined) { return false; } if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { return false; } return true; } /** * A default reader vended by a {@link ReadableStream}. * * @public */ var ReadableStreamDefaultReader = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream) { assertRequiredArgument(stream, 1, 'ReadableStreamDefaultReader'); assertReadableStream(stream, 'First parameter'); if (IsReadableStreamLocked(stream)) { throw new TypeError('This stream has already been locked for exclusive reading by another reader'); } ReadableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(this, stream); this._readRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype, "closed", { /** * Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed, * or rejected if the stream ever errors or the reader's lock is released before the stream finishes closing. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultReaderBrandCheckException('closed')); } return this._closedPromise; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link ReadableStream.cancel | stream.cancel(reason)}. */ ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype.cancel = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultReaderBrandCheckException('cancel')); } if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('cancel')); } return ReadableStreamReaderGenericCancel(this, reason); }; /** * Returns a promise that allows access to the next chunk from the stream's internal queue, if available. * * If reading a chunk causes the queue to become empty, more data will be pulled from the underlying source. */ ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype.read = function () { if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultReaderBrandCheckException('read')); } if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('read from')); } var resolvePromise; var rejectPromise; var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { resolvePromise = resolve; rejectPromise = reject; }); var readRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { return resolvePromise({ value: chunk, done: false }); }, _closeSteps: function () { return resolvePromise({ value: undefined, done: true }); }, _errorSteps: function (e) { return rejectPromise(e); } }; ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(this, readRequest); return promise; }; /** * Releases the reader's lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the reader is no longer active. * If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the reader will appear errored in the same way * from now on; otherwise, the reader will appear closed. * * A reader's lock cannot be released while it still has a pending read request, i.e., if a promise returned by * the reader's {@link ReadableStreamDefaultReader.read | read()} method has not yet been settled. Attempting to * do so will throw a `TypeError` and leave the reader locked to the stream. */ ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype.releaseLock = function () { if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(this)) { throw defaultReaderBrandCheckException('releaseLock'); } if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return; } if (this._readRequests.length > 0) { throw new TypeError('Tried to release a reader lock when that reader has pending read() calls un-settled'); } ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(this); }; return ReadableStreamDefaultReader; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype, { cancel: { enumerable: true }, read: { enumerable: true }, releaseLock: { enumerable: true }, closed: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableStreamDefaultReader', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the readers. function IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_readRequests')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableStreamDefaultReader; } function ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest) { var stream = reader._ownerReadableStream; stream._disturbed = true; if (stream._state === 'closed') { readRequest._closeSteps(); } else if (stream._state === 'errored') { readRequest._errorSteps(stream._storedError); } else { stream._readableStreamController[PullSteps](readRequest); } } // Helper functions for the ReadableStreamDefaultReader. function defaultReaderBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStreamDefaultReader.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableStreamDefaultReader"); } /// var _a; var AsyncIteratorPrototype; if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.asyncIterator === 'symbol') { // We're running inside a ES2018+ environment, but we're compiling to an older syntax. // We cannot access %AsyncIteratorPrototype% without non-ES2018 syntax, but we can re-create it. AsyncIteratorPrototype = (_a = {}, // %AsyncIteratorPrototype% [ @@asyncIterator ] ( ) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-asynciteratorprototype-asynciterator _a[SymbolPolyfill.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, _a); Object.defineProperty(AsyncIteratorPrototype, SymbolPolyfill.asyncIterator, { enumerable: false }); } /// var ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl(reader, preventCancel) { this._ongoingPromise = undefined; this._isFinished = false; this._reader = reader; this._preventCancel = preventCancel; } ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl.prototype.next = function () { var _this = this; var nextSteps = function () { return _this._nextSteps(); }; this._ongoingPromise = this._ongoingPromise ? transformPromiseWith(this._ongoingPromise, nextSteps, nextSteps) : nextSteps(); return this._ongoingPromise; }; ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl.prototype.return = function (value) { var _this = this; var returnSteps = function () { return _this._returnSteps(value); }; return this._ongoingPromise ? transformPromiseWith(this._ongoingPromise, returnSteps, returnSteps) : returnSteps(); }; ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl.prototype._nextSteps = function () { var _this = this; if (this._isFinished) { return Promise.resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }); } var reader = this._reader; if (reader._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('iterate')); } var resolvePromise; var rejectPromise; var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { resolvePromise = resolve; rejectPromise = reject; }); var readRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { _this._ongoingPromise = undefined; // This needs to be delayed by one microtask, otherwise we stop pulling too early which breaks a test. // FIXME Is this a bug in the specification, or in the test? queueMicrotask(function () { return resolvePromise({ value: chunk, done: false }); }); }, _closeSteps: function () { _this._ongoingPromise = undefined; _this._isFinished = true; ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); resolvePromise({ value: undefined, done: true }); }, _errorSteps: function (reason) { _this._ongoingPromise = undefined; _this._isFinished = true; ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); rejectPromise(reason); } }; ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); return promise; }; ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl.prototype._returnSteps = function (value) { if (this._isFinished) { return Promise.resolve({ value: value, done: true }); } this._isFinished = true; var reader = this._reader; if (reader._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('finish iterating')); } if (!this._preventCancel) { var result = ReadableStreamReaderGenericCancel(reader, value); ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); return transformPromiseWith(result, function () { return ({ value: value, done: true }); }); } ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); return promiseResolvedWith({ value: value, done: true }); }; return ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl; }()); var ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype = { next: function () { if (!IsReadableStreamAsyncIterator(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamAsyncIteratorBrandCheckException('next')); } return this._asyncIteratorImpl.next(); }, return: function (value) { if (!IsReadableStreamAsyncIterator(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamAsyncIteratorBrandCheckException('return')); } return this._asyncIteratorImpl.return(value); } }; if (AsyncIteratorPrototype !== undefined) { Object.setPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype, AsyncIteratorPrototype); } // Abstract operations for the ReadableStream. function AcquireReadableStreamAsyncIterator(stream, preventCancel) { var reader = AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); var impl = new ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl(reader, preventCancel); var iterator = Object.create(ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype); iterator._asyncIteratorImpl = impl; return iterator; } function IsReadableStreamAsyncIterator(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_asyncIteratorImpl')) { return false; } try { // noinspection SuspiciousTypeOfGuard return x._asyncIteratorImpl instanceof ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorImpl; } catch (_a) { return false; } } // Helper functions for the ReadableStream. function streamAsyncIteratorBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStreamAsyncIterator." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableSteamAsyncIterator"); } /// // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isNaN#Polyfill var NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function (x) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare return x !== x; }; function CreateArrayFromList(elements) { // We use arrays to represent lists, so this is basically a no-op. // Do a slice though just in case we happen to depend on the unique-ness. return elements.slice(); } function CopyDataBlockBytes(dest, destOffset, src, srcOffset, n) { new Uint8Array(dest).set(new Uint8Array(src, srcOffset, n), destOffset); } // Not implemented correctly function TransferArrayBuffer(O) { return O; } // Not implemented correctly // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function IsDetachedBuffer(O) { return false; } function ArrayBufferSlice(buffer, begin, end) { // ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice is not available on IE10 // https://www.caniuse.com/mdn-javascript_builtins_arraybuffer_slice if (buffer.slice) { return buffer.slice(begin, end); } var length = end - begin; var slice = new ArrayBuffer(length); CopyDataBlockBytes(slice, 0, buffer, begin, length); return slice; } function IsNonNegativeNumber(v) { if (typeof v !== 'number') { return false; } if (NumberIsNaN(v)) { return false; } if (v < 0) { return false; } return true; } function CloneAsUint8Array(O) { var buffer = ArrayBufferSlice(O.buffer, O.byteOffset, O.byteOffset + O.byteLength); return new Uint8Array(buffer); } function DequeueValue(container) { var pair = container._queue.shift(); container._queueTotalSize -= pair.size; if (container._queueTotalSize < 0) { container._queueTotalSize = 0; } return pair.value; } function EnqueueValueWithSize(container, value, size) { if (!IsNonNegativeNumber(size) || size === Infinity) { throw new RangeError('Size must be a finite, non-NaN, non-negative number.'); } container._queue.push({ value: value, size: size }); container._queueTotalSize += size; } function PeekQueueValue(container) { var pair = container._queue.peek(); return pair.value; } function ResetQueue(container) { container._queue = new SimpleQueue(); container._queueTotalSize = 0; } /** * A pull-into request in a {@link ReadableByteStreamController}. * * @public */ var ReadableStreamBYOBRequest = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStreamBYOBRequest() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype, "view", { /** * Returns the view for writing in to, or `null` if the BYOB request has already been responded to. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBRequest(this)) { throw byobRequestBrandCheckException('view'); } return this._view; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype.respond = function (bytesWritten) { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBRequest(this)) { throw byobRequestBrandCheckException('respond'); } assertRequiredArgument(bytesWritten, 1, 'respond'); bytesWritten = convertUnsignedLongLongWithEnforceRange(bytesWritten, 'First parameter'); if (this._associatedReadableByteStreamController === undefined) { throw new TypeError('This BYOB request has been invalidated'); } if (IsDetachedBuffer(this._view.buffer)) ; ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(this._associatedReadableByteStreamController, bytesWritten); }; ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype.respondWithNewView = function (view) { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBRequest(this)) { throw byobRequestBrandCheckException('respondWithNewView'); } assertRequiredArgument(view, 1, 'respondWithNewView'); if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(view)) { throw new TypeError('You can only respond with array buffer views'); } if (this._associatedReadableByteStreamController === undefined) { throw new TypeError('This BYOB request has been invalidated'); } if (IsDetachedBuffer(view.buffer)) ; ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(this._associatedReadableByteStreamController, view); }; return ReadableStreamBYOBRequest; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype, { respond: { enumerable: true }, respondWithNewView: { enumerable: true }, view: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest', configurable: true }); } /** * Allows control of a {@link ReadableStream | readable byte stream}'s state and internal queue. * * @public */ var ReadableByteStreamController = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableByteStreamController() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } Object.defineProperty(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype, "byobRequest", { /** * Returns the current BYOB pull request, or `null` if there isn't one. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(this)) { throw byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException('byobRequest'); } return ReadableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype, "desiredSize", { /** * Returns the desired size to fill the controlled stream's internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is * over-full. An underlying byte source ought to use this information to determine when and how to apply backpressure. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(this)) { throw byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException('desiredSize'); } return ReadableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Closes the controlled readable stream. Consumers will still be able to read any previously-enqueued chunks from * the stream, but once those are read, the stream will become closed. */ ReadableByteStreamController.prototype.close = function () { if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(this)) { throw byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException('close'); } if (this._closeRequested) { throw new TypeError('The stream has already been closed; do not close it again!'); } var state = this._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state !== 'readable') { throw new TypeError("The stream (in " + state + " state) is not in the readable state and cannot be closed"); } ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(this); }; ReadableByteStreamController.prototype.enqueue = function (chunk) { if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(this)) { throw byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException('enqueue'); } assertRequiredArgument(chunk, 1, 'enqueue'); if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(chunk)) { throw new TypeError('chunk must be an array buffer view'); } if (chunk.byteLength === 0) { throw new TypeError('chunk must have non-zero byteLength'); } if (chunk.buffer.byteLength === 0) { throw new TypeError("chunk's buffer must have non-zero byteLength"); } if (this._closeRequested) { throw new TypeError('stream is closed or draining'); } var state = this._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state !== 'readable') { throw new TypeError("The stream (in " + state + " state) is not in the readable state and cannot be enqueued to"); } ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); }; /** * Errors the controlled readable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`. */ ReadableByteStreamController.prototype.error = function (e) { if (e === void 0) { e = undefined; } if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(this)) { throw byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException('error'); } ReadableByteStreamControllerError(this, e); }; /** @internal */ ReadableByteStreamController.prototype[CancelSteps] = function (reason) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(this); ResetQueue(this); var result = this._cancelAlgorithm(reason); ReadableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; }; /** @internal */ ReadableByteStreamController.prototype[PullSteps] = function (readRequest) { var stream = this._controlledReadableByteStream; if (this._queueTotalSize > 0) { var entry = this._queue.shift(); this._queueTotalSize -= entry.byteLength; ReadableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(this); var view = new Uint8Array(entry.buffer, entry.byteOffset, entry.byteLength); readRequest._chunkSteps(view); return; } var autoAllocateChunkSize = this._autoAllocateChunkSize; if (autoAllocateChunkSize !== undefined) { var buffer = void 0; try { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(autoAllocateChunkSize); } catch (bufferE) { readRequest._errorSteps(bufferE); return; } var pullIntoDescriptor = { buffer: buffer, bufferByteLength: autoAllocateChunkSize, byteOffset: 0, byteLength: autoAllocateChunkSize, bytesFilled: 0, elementSize: 1, viewConstructor: Uint8Array, readerType: 'default' }; this._pendingPullIntos.push(pullIntoDescriptor); } ReadableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest); ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); }; return ReadableByteStreamController; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype, { close: { enumerable: true }, enqueue: { enumerable: true }, error: { enumerable: true }, byobRequest: { enumerable: true }, desiredSize: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableByteStreamController', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the ReadableByteStreamController. function IsReadableByteStreamController(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_controlledReadableByteStream')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableByteStreamController; } function IsReadableStreamBYOBRequest(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_associatedReadableByteStreamController')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableStreamBYOBRequest; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller) { var shouldPull = ReadableByteStreamControllerShouldCallPull(controller); if (!shouldPull) { return; } if (controller._pulling) { controller._pullAgain = true; return; } controller._pulling = true; // TODO: Test controller argument var pullPromise = controller._pullAlgorithm(); uponPromise(pullPromise, function () { controller._pulling = false; if (controller._pullAgain) { controller._pullAgain = false; ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } }, function (e) { ReadableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); }); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(controller) { ReadableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); controller._pendingPullIntos = new SimpleQueue(); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor(stream, pullIntoDescriptor) { var done = false; if (stream._state === 'closed') { done = true; } var filledView = ReadableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor(pullIntoDescriptor); if (pullIntoDescriptor.readerType === 'default') { ReadableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, filledView, done); } else { ReadableStreamFulfillReadIntoRequest(stream, filledView, done); } } function ReadableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor(pullIntoDescriptor) { var bytesFilled = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; var elementSize = pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; return new pullIntoDescriptor.viewConstructor(pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset, bytesFilled / elementSize); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue(controller, buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) { controller._queue.push({ buffer: buffer, byteOffset: byteOffset, byteLength: byteLength }); controller._queueTotalSize += byteLength; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue(controller, pullIntoDescriptor) { var elementSize = pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; var currentAlignedBytes = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled - pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled % elementSize; var maxBytesToCopy = Math.min(controller._queueTotalSize, pullIntoDescriptor.byteLength - pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled); var maxBytesFilled = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled + maxBytesToCopy; var maxAlignedBytes = maxBytesFilled - maxBytesFilled % elementSize; var totalBytesToCopyRemaining = maxBytesToCopy; var ready = false; if (maxAlignedBytes > currentAlignedBytes) { totalBytesToCopyRemaining = maxAlignedBytes - pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; ready = true; } var queue = controller._queue; while (totalBytesToCopyRemaining > 0) { var headOfQueue = queue.peek(); var bytesToCopy = Math.min(totalBytesToCopyRemaining, headOfQueue.byteLength); var destStart = pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset + pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; CopyDataBlockBytes(pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, destStart, headOfQueue.buffer, headOfQueue.byteOffset, bytesToCopy); if (headOfQueue.byteLength === bytesToCopy) { queue.shift(); } else { headOfQueue.byteOffset += bytesToCopy; headOfQueue.byteLength -= bytesToCopy; } controller._queueTotalSize -= bytesToCopy; ReadableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor(controller, bytesToCopy, pullIntoDescriptor); totalBytesToCopyRemaining -= bytesToCopy; } return ready; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor(controller, size, pullIntoDescriptor) { pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled += size; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(controller) { if (controller._queueTotalSize === 0 && controller._closeRequested) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); ReadableStreamClose(controller._controlledReadableByteStream); } else { ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } } function ReadableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller) { if (controller._byobRequest === null) { return; } controller._byobRequest._associatedReadableByteStreamController = undefined; controller._byobRequest._view = null; controller._byobRequest = null; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue(controller) { while (controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { if (controller._queueTotalSize === 0) { return; } var pullIntoDescriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); if (ReadableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue(controller, pullIntoDescriptor)) { ReadableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); ReadableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor(controller._controlledReadableByteStream, pullIntoDescriptor); } } } function ReadableByteStreamControllerPullInto(controller, view, readIntoRequest) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; var elementSize = 1; if (view.constructor !== DataView) { elementSize = view.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } var ctor = view.constructor; // try { var buffer = TransferArrayBuffer(view.buffer); // } catch (e) { // readIntoRequest._errorSteps(e); // return; // } var pullIntoDescriptor = { buffer: buffer, bufferByteLength: buffer.byteLength, byteOffset: view.byteOffset, byteLength: view.byteLength, bytesFilled: 0, elementSize: elementSize, viewConstructor: ctor, readerType: 'byob' }; if (controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { controller._pendingPullIntos.push(pullIntoDescriptor); // No ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded() call since: // - No change happens on desiredSize // - The source has already been notified of that there's at least 1 pending read(view) ReadableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readIntoRequest); return; } if (stream._state === 'closed') { var emptyView = new ctor(pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset, 0); readIntoRequest._closeSteps(emptyView); return; } if (controller._queueTotalSize > 0) { if (ReadableByteStreamControllerFillPullIntoDescriptorFromQueue(controller, pullIntoDescriptor)) { var filledView = ReadableByteStreamControllerConvertPullIntoDescriptor(pullIntoDescriptor); ReadableByteStreamControllerHandleQueueDrain(controller); readIntoRequest._chunkSteps(filledView); return; } if (controller._closeRequested) { var e = new TypeError('Insufficient bytes to fill elements in the given buffer'); ReadableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); readIntoRequest._errorSteps(e); return; } } controller._pendingPullIntos.push(pullIntoDescriptor); ReadableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readIntoRequest); ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInClosedState(controller, firstDescriptor) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; if (ReadableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream)) { while (ReadableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) > 0) { var pullIntoDescriptor = ReadableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); ReadableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor(stream, pullIntoDescriptor); } } } function ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInReadableState(controller, bytesWritten, pullIntoDescriptor) { ReadableByteStreamControllerFillHeadPullIntoDescriptor(controller, bytesWritten, pullIntoDescriptor); if (pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled < pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize) { return; } ReadableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); var remainderSize = pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled % pullIntoDescriptor.elementSize; if (remainderSize > 0) { var end = pullIntoDescriptor.byteOffset + pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled; var remainder = ArrayBufferSlice(pullIntoDescriptor.buffer, end - remainderSize, end); ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue(controller, remainder, 0, remainder.byteLength); } pullIntoDescriptor.bytesFilled -= remainderSize; ReadableByteStreamControllerCommitPullIntoDescriptor(controller._controlledReadableByteStream, pullIntoDescriptor); ReadableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue(controller); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(controller, bytesWritten) { var firstDescriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); ReadableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); var state = controller._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state === 'closed') { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInClosedState(controller); } else { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInReadableState(controller, bytesWritten, firstDescriptor); } ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller) { var descriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.shift(); return descriptor; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerShouldCallPull(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; if (stream._state !== 'readable') { return false; } if (controller._closeRequested) { return false; } if (!controller._started) { return false; } if (ReadableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream) && ReadableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0) { return true; } if (ReadableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream) && ReadableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) > 0) { return true; } var desiredSize = ReadableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(controller); if (desiredSize > 0) { return true; } return false; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller._pullAlgorithm = undefined; controller._cancelAlgorithm = undefined; } // A client of ReadableByteStreamController may use these functions directly to bypass state check. function ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; if (controller._closeRequested || stream._state !== 'readable') { return; } if (controller._queueTotalSize > 0) { controller._closeRequested = true; return; } if (controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { var firstPendingPullInto = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); if (firstPendingPullInto.bytesFilled > 0) { var e = new TypeError('Insufficient bytes to fill elements in the given buffer'); ReadableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e); throw e; } } ReadableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); ReadableStreamClose(stream); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; if (controller._closeRequested || stream._state !== 'readable') { return; } var buffer = chunk.buffer; var byteOffset = chunk.byteOffset; var byteLength = chunk.byteLength; var transferredBuffer = TransferArrayBuffer(buffer); if (controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { var firstPendingPullInto = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); if (IsDetachedBuffer(firstPendingPullInto.buffer)) ; firstPendingPullInto.buffer = TransferArrayBuffer(firstPendingPullInto.buffer); } ReadableByteStreamControllerInvalidateBYOBRequest(controller); if (ReadableStreamHasDefaultReader(stream)) { if (ReadableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) === 0) { ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue(controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength); } else { if (controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { ReadableByteStreamControllerShiftPendingPullInto(controller); } var transferredView = new Uint8Array(transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength); ReadableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, transferredView, false); } } else if (ReadableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream)) { // TODO: Ideally in this branch detaching should happen only if the buffer is not consumed fully. ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue(controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength); ReadableByteStreamControllerProcessPullIntoDescriptorsUsingQueue(controller); } else { ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueueChunkToQueue(controller, transferredBuffer, byteOffset, byteLength); } ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerError(controller, e) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableByteStream; if (stream._state !== 'readable') { return; } ReadableByteStreamControllerClearPendingPullIntos(controller); ResetQueue(controller); ReadableByteStreamControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); ReadableStreamError(stream, e); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(controller) { if (controller._byobRequest === null && controller._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { var firstDescriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); var view = new Uint8Array(firstDescriptor.buffer, firstDescriptor.byteOffset + firstDescriptor.bytesFilled, firstDescriptor.byteLength - firstDescriptor.bytesFilled); var byobRequest = Object.create(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype); SetUpReadableStreamBYOBRequest(byobRequest, controller, view); controller._byobRequest = byobRequest; } return controller._byobRequest; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { var state = controller._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state === 'errored') { return null; } if (state === 'closed') { return 0; } return controller._strategyHWM - controller._queueTotalSize; } function ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(controller, bytesWritten) { var firstDescriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); var state = controller._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state === 'closed') { if (bytesWritten !== 0) { throw new TypeError('bytesWritten must be 0 when calling respond() on a closed stream'); } } else { if (bytesWritten === 0) { throw new TypeError('bytesWritten must be greater than 0 when calling respond() on a readable stream'); } if (firstDescriptor.bytesFilled + bytesWritten > firstDescriptor.byteLength) { throw new RangeError('bytesWritten out of range'); } } firstDescriptor.buffer = TransferArrayBuffer(firstDescriptor.buffer); ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(controller, bytesWritten); } function ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(controller, view) { var firstDescriptor = controller._pendingPullIntos.peek(); var state = controller._controlledReadableByteStream._state; if (state === 'closed') { if (view.byteLength !== 0) { throw new TypeError('The view\'s length must be 0 when calling respondWithNewView() on a closed stream'); } } else { if (view.byteLength === 0) { throw new TypeError('The view\'s length must be greater than 0 when calling respondWithNewView() on a readable stream'); } } if (firstDescriptor.byteOffset + firstDescriptor.bytesFilled !== view.byteOffset) { throw new RangeError('The region specified by view does not match byobRequest'); } if (firstDescriptor.bufferByteLength !== view.buffer.byteLength) { throw new RangeError('The buffer of view has different capacity than byobRequest'); } if (firstDescriptor.bytesFilled + view.byteLength > firstDescriptor.byteLength) { throw new RangeError('The region specified by view is larger than byobRequest'); } var viewByteLength = view.byteLength; firstDescriptor.buffer = TransferArrayBuffer(view.buffer); ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(controller, viewByteLength); } function SetUpReadableByteStreamController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, autoAllocateChunkSize) { controller._controlledReadableByteStream = stream; controller._pullAgain = false; controller._pulling = false; controller._byobRequest = null; // Need to set the slots so that the assert doesn't fire. In the spec the slots already exist implicitly. controller._queue = controller._queueTotalSize = undefined; ResetQueue(controller); controller._closeRequested = false; controller._started = false; controller._strategyHWM = highWaterMark; controller._pullAlgorithm = pullAlgorithm; controller._cancelAlgorithm = cancelAlgorithm; controller._autoAllocateChunkSize = autoAllocateChunkSize; controller._pendingPullIntos = new SimpleQueue(); stream._readableStreamController = controller; var startResult = startAlgorithm(); uponPromise(promiseResolvedWith(startResult), function () { controller._started = true; ReadableByteStreamControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); }, function (r) { ReadableByteStreamControllerError(controller, r); }); } function SetUpReadableByteStreamControllerFromUnderlyingSource(stream, underlyingByteSource, highWaterMark) { var controller = Object.create(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype); var startAlgorithm = function () { return undefined; }; var pullAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; var cancelAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; if (underlyingByteSource.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingByteSource.start(controller); }; } if (underlyingByteSource.pull !== undefined) { pullAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingByteSource.pull(controller); }; } if (underlyingByteSource.cancel !== undefined) { cancelAlgorithm = function (reason) { return underlyingByteSource.cancel(reason); }; } var autoAllocateChunkSize = underlyingByteSource.autoAllocateChunkSize; if (autoAllocateChunkSize === 0) { throw new TypeError('autoAllocateChunkSize must be greater than 0'); } SetUpReadableByteStreamController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, autoAllocateChunkSize); } function SetUpReadableStreamBYOBRequest(request, controller, view) { request._associatedReadableByteStreamController = controller; request._view = view; } // Helper functions for the ReadableStreamBYOBRequest. function byobRequestBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableStreamBYOBRequest"); } // Helper functions for the ReadableByteStreamController. function byteStreamControllerBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableByteStreamController.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableByteStreamController"); } // Abstract operations for the ReadableStream. function AcquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream) { return new ReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream); } // ReadableStream API exposed for controllers. function ReadableStreamAddReadIntoRequest(stream, readIntoRequest) { stream._reader._readIntoRequests.push(readIntoRequest); } function ReadableStreamFulfillReadIntoRequest(stream, chunk, done) { var reader = stream._reader; var readIntoRequest = reader._readIntoRequests.shift(); if (done) { readIntoRequest._closeSteps(chunk); } else { readIntoRequest._chunkSteps(chunk); } } function ReadableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests(stream) { return stream._reader._readIntoRequests.length; } function ReadableStreamHasBYOBReader(stream) { var reader = stream._reader; if (reader === undefined) { return false; } if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { return false; } return true; } /** * A BYOB reader vended by a {@link ReadableStream}. * * @public */ var ReadableStreamBYOBReader = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream) { assertRequiredArgument(stream, 1, 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader'); assertReadableStream(stream, 'First parameter'); if (IsReadableStreamLocked(stream)) { throw new TypeError('This stream has already been locked for exclusive reading by another reader'); } if (!IsReadableByteStreamController(stream._readableStreamController)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot construct a ReadableStreamBYOBReader for a stream not constructed with a byte ' + 'source'); } ReadableStreamReaderGenericInitialize(this, stream); this._readIntoRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype, "closed", { /** * Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed, or rejected if the stream ever errors or * the reader's lock is released before the stream finishes closing. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(byobReaderBrandCheckException('closed')); } return this._closedPromise; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link ReadableStream.cancel | stream.cancel(reason)}. */ ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype.cancel = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(byobReaderBrandCheckException('cancel')); } if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('cancel')); } return ReadableStreamReaderGenericCancel(this, reason); }; /** * Attempts to reads bytes into view, and returns a promise resolved with the result. * * If reading a chunk causes the queue to become empty, more data will be pulled from the underlying source. */ ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype.read = function (view) { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(byobReaderBrandCheckException('read')); } if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(view)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('view must be an array buffer view')); } if (view.byteLength === 0) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('view must have non-zero byteLength')); } if (view.buffer.byteLength === 0) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError("view's buffer must have non-zero byteLength")); } if (IsDetachedBuffer(view.buffer)) ; if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(readerLockException('read from')); } var resolvePromise; var rejectPromise; var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { resolvePromise = resolve; rejectPromise = reject; }); var readIntoRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { return resolvePromise({ value: chunk, done: false }); }, _closeSteps: function (chunk) { return resolvePromise({ value: chunk, done: true }); }, _errorSteps: function (e) { return rejectPromise(e); } }; ReadableStreamBYOBReaderRead(this, view, readIntoRequest); return promise; }; /** * Releases the reader's lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the reader is no longer active. * If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the reader will appear errored in the same way * from now on; otherwise, the reader will appear closed. * * A reader's lock cannot be released while it still has a pending read request, i.e., if a promise returned by * the reader's {@link ReadableStreamBYOBReader.read | read()} method has not yet been settled. Attempting to * do so will throw a `TypeError` and leave the reader locked to the stream. */ ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype.releaseLock = function () { if (!IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(this)) { throw byobReaderBrandCheckException('releaseLock'); } if (this._ownerReadableStream === undefined) { return; } if (this._readIntoRequests.length > 0) { throw new TypeError('Tried to release a reader lock when that reader has pending read() calls un-settled'); } ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(this); }; return ReadableStreamBYOBReader; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype, { cancel: { enumerable: true }, read: { enumerable: true }, releaseLock: { enumerable: true }, closed: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the readers. function IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_readIntoRequests')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableStreamBYOBReader; } function ReadableStreamBYOBReaderRead(reader, view, readIntoRequest) { var stream = reader._ownerReadableStream; stream._disturbed = true; if (stream._state === 'errored') { readIntoRequest._errorSteps(stream._storedError); } else { ReadableByteStreamControllerPullInto(stream._readableStreamController, view, readIntoRequest); } } // Helper functions for the ReadableStreamBYOBReader. function byobReaderBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableStreamBYOBReader"); } function ExtractHighWaterMark(strategy, defaultHWM) { var highWaterMark = strategy.highWaterMark; if (highWaterMark === undefined) { return defaultHWM; } if (NumberIsNaN(highWaterMark) || highWaterMark < 0) { throw new RangeError('Invalid highWaterMark'); } return highWaterMark; } function ExtractSizeAlgorithm(strategy) { var size = strategy.size; if (!size) { return function () { return 1; }; } return size; } function convertQueuingStrategy(init, context) { assertDictionary(init, context); var highWaterMark = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.highWaterMark; var size = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.size; return { highWaterMark: highWaterMark === undefined ? undefined : convertUnrestrictedDouble(highWaterMark), size: size === undefined ? undefined : convertQueuingStrategySize(size, context + " has member 'size' that") }; } function convertQueuingStrategySize(fn, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (chunk) { return convertUnrestrictedDouble(fn(chunk)); }; } function convertUnderlyingSink(original, context) { assertDictionary(original, context); var abort = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.abort; var close = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.close; var start = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.start; var type = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.type; var write = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.write; return { abort: abort === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSinkAbortCallback(abort, original, context + " has member 'abort' that"), close: close === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSinkCloseCallback(close, original, context + " has member 'close' that"), start: start === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSinkStartCallback(start, original, context + " has member 'start' that"), write: write === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSinkWriteCallback(write, original, context + " has member 'write' that"), type: type }; } function convertUnderlyingSinkAbortCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (reason) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [reason]); }; } function convertUnderlyingSinkCloseCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function () { return promiseCall(fn, original, []); }; } function convertUnderlyingSinkStartCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (controller) { return reflectCall(fn, original, [controller]); }; } function convertUnderlyingSinkWriteCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (chunk, controller) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [chunk, controller]); }; } function assertWritableStream(x, context) { if (!IsWritableStream(x)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not a WritableStream."); } } function isAbortSignal(value) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { return false; } try { return typeof value.aborted === 'boolean'; } catch (_a) { // AbortSignal.prototype.aborted throws if its brand check fails return false; } } var supportsAbortController = typeof AbortController === 'function'; /** * Construct a new AbortController, if supported by the platform. * * @internal */ function createAbortController() { if (supportsAbortController) { return new AbortController(); } return undefined; } /** * A writable stream represents a destination for data, into which you can write. * * @public */ var WritableStream = /** @class */ (function () { function WritableStream(rawUnderlyingSink, rawStrategy) { if (rawUnderlyingSink === void 0) { rawUnderlyingSink = {}; } if (rawStrategy === void 0) { rawStrategy = {}; } if (rawUnderlyingSink === undefined) { rawUnderlyingSink = null; } else { assertObject(rawUnderlyingSink, 'First parameter'); } var strategy = convertQueuingStrategy(rawStrategy, 'Second parameter'); var underlyingSink = convertUnderlyingSink(rawUnderlyingSink, 'First parameter'); InitializeWritableStream(this); var type = underlyingSink.type; if (type !== undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid type is specified'); } var sizeAlgorithm = ExtractSizeAlgorithm(strategy); var highWaterMark = ExtractHighWaterMark(strategy, 1); SetUpWritableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSink(this, underlyingSink, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); } Object.defineProperty(WritableStream.prototype, "locked", { /** * Returns whether or not the writable stream is locked to a writer. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$2('locked'); } return IsWritableStreamLocked(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Aborts the stream, signaling that the producer can no longer successfully write to the stream and it is to be * immediately moved to an errored state, with any queued-up writes discarded. This will also execute any abort * mechanism of the underlying sink. * * The returned promise will fulfill if the stream shuts down successfully, or reject if the underlying sink signaled * that there was an error doing so. Additionally, it will reject with a `TypeError` (without attempting to cancel * the stream) if the stream is currently locked. */ WritableStream.prototype.abort = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsWritableStream(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamBrandCheckException$2('abort')); } if (IsWritableStreamLocked(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('Cannot abort a stream that already has a writer')); } return WritableStreamAbort(this, reason); }; /** * Closes the stream. The underlying sink will finish processing any previously-written chunks, before invoking its * close behavior. During this time any further attempts to write will fail (without erroring the stream). * * The method returns a promise that will fulfill if all remaining chunks are successfully written and the stream * successfully closes, or rejects if an error is encountered during this process. Additionally, it will reject with * a `TypeError` (without attempting to cancel the stream) if the stream is currently locked. */ WritableStream.prototype.close = function () { if (!IsWritableStream(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamBrandCheckException$2('close')); } if (IsWritableStreamLocked(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('Cannot close a stream that already has a writer')); } if (WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('Cannot close an already-closing stream')); } return WritableStreamClose(this); }; /** * Creates a {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter | writer} and locks the stream to the new writer. While the stream * is locked, no other writer can be acquired until this one is released. * * This functionality is especially useful for creating abstractions that desire the ability to write to a stream * without interruption or interleaving. By getting a writer for the stream, you can ensure nobody else can write at * the same time, which would cause the resulting written data to be unpredictable and probably useless. */ WritableStream.prototype.getWriter = function () { if (!IsWritableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$2('getWriter'); } return AcquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this); }; return WritableStream; }()); Object.defineProperties(WritableStream.prototype, { abort: { enumerable: true }, close: { enumerable: true }, getWriter: { enumerable: true }, locked: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(WritableStream.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'WritableStream', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the WritableStream. function AcquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream) { return new WritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream); } // Throws if and only if startAlgorithm throws. function CreateWritableStream(startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { if (highWaterMark === void 0) { highWaterMark = 1; } if (sizeAlgorithm === void 0) { sizeAlgorithm = function () { return 1; }; } var stream = Object.create(WritableStream.prototype); InitializeWritableStream(stream); var controller = Object.create(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype); SetUpWritableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); return stream; } function InitializeWritableStream(stream) { stream._state = 'writable'; // The error that will be reported by new method calls once the state becomes errored. Only set when [[state]] is // 'erroring' or 'errored'. May be set to an undefined value. stream._storedError = undefined; stream._writer = undefined; // Initialize to undefined first because the constructor of the controller checks this // variable to validate the caller. stream._writableStreamController = undefined; // This queue is placed here instead of the writer class in order to allow for passing a writer to the next data // producer without waiting for the queued writes to finish. stream._writeRequests = new SimpleQueue(); // Write requests are removed from _writeRequests when write() is called on the underlying sink. This prevents // them from being erroneously rejected on error. If a write() call is in-flight, the request is stored here. stream._inFlightWriteRequest = undefined; // The promise that was returned from writer.close(). Stored here because it may be fulfilled after the writer // has been detached. stream._closeRequest = undefined; // Close request is removed from _closeRequest when close() is called on the underlying sink. This prevents it // from being erroneously rejected on error. If a close() call is in-flight, the request is stored here. stream._inFlightCloseRequest = undefined; // The promise that was returned from writer.abort(). This may also be fulfilled after the writer has detached. stream._pendingAbortRequest = undefined; // The backpressure signal set by the controller. stream._backpressure = false; } function IsWritableStream(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_writableStreamController')) { return false; } return x instanceof WritableStream; } function IsWritableStreamLocked(stream) { if (stream._writer === undefined) { return false; } return true; } function WritableStreamAbort(stream, reason) { var _a; if (stream._state === 'closed' || stream._state === 'errored') { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } stream._writableStreamController._abortReason = reason; (_a = stream._writableStreamController._abortController) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.abort(); // TypeScript narrows the type of `stream._state` down to 'writable' | 'erroring', // but it doesn't know that signaling abort runs author code that might have changed the state. // Widen the type again by casting to WritableStreamState. var state = stream._state; if (state === 'closed' || state === 'errored') { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } if (stream._pendingAbortRequest !== undefined) { return stream._pendingAbortRequest._promise; } var wasAlreadyErroring = false; if (state === 'erroring') { wasAlreadyErroring = true; // reason will not be used, so don't keep a reference to it. reason = undefined; } var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { stream._pendingAbortRequest = { _promise: undefined, _resolve: resolve, _reject: reject, _reason: reason, _wasAlreadyErroring: wasAlreadyErroring }; }); stream._pendingAbortRequest._promise = promise; if (!wasAlreadyErroring) { WritableStreamStartErroring(stream, reason); } return promise; } function WritableStreamClose(stream) { var state = stream._state; if (state === 'closed' || state === 'errored') { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError("The stream (in " + state + " state) is not in the writable state and cannot be closed")); } var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { var closeRequest = { _resolve: resolve, _reject: reject }; stream._closeRequest = closeRequest; }); var writer = stream._writer; if (writer !== undefined && stream._backpressure && state === 'writable') { defaultWriterReadyPromiseResolve(writer); } WritableStreamDefaultControllerClose(stream._writableStreamController); return promise; } // WritableStream API exposed for controllers. function WritableStreamAddWriteRequest(stream) { var promise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { var writeRequest = { _resolve: resolve, _reject: reject }; stream._writeRequests.push(writeRequest); }); return promise; } function WritableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error) { var state = stream._state; if (state === 'writable') { WritableStreamStartErroring(stream, error); return; } WritableStreamFinishErroring(stream); } function WritableStreamStartErroring(stream, reason) { var controller = stream._writableStreamController; stream._state = 'erroring'; stream._storedError = reason; var writer = stream._writer; if (writer !== undefined) { WritableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, reason); } if (!WritableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) && controller._started) { WritableStreamFinishErroring(stream); } } function WritableStreamFinishErroring(stream) { stream._state = 'errored'; stream._writableStreamController[ErrorSteps](); var storedError = stream._storedError; stream._writeRequests.forEach(function (writeRequest) { writeRequest._reject(storedError); }); stream._writeRequests = new SimpleQueue(); if (stream._pendingAbortRequest === undefined) { WritableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); return; } var abortRequest = stream._pendingAbortRequest; stream._pendingAbortRequest = undefined; if (abortRequest._wasAlreadyErroring) { abortRequest._reject(storedError); WritableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); return; } var promise = stream._writableStreamController[AbortSteps](abortRequest._reason); uponPromise(promise, function () { abortRequest._resolve(); WritableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); }, function (reason) { abortRequest._reject(reason); WritableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream); }); } function WritableStreamFinishInFlightWrite(stream) { stream._inFlightWriteRequest._resolve(undefined); stream._inFlightWriteRequest = undefined; } function WritableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError(stream, error) { stream._inFlightWriteRequest._reject(error); stream._inFlightWriteRequest = undefined; WritableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error); } function WritableStreamFinishInFlightClose(stream) { stream._inFlightCloseRequest._resolve(undefined); stream._inFlightCloseRequest = undefined; var state = stream._state; if (state === 'erroring') { // The error was too late to do anything, so it is ignored. stream._storedError = undefined; if (stream._pendingAbortRequest !== undefined) { stream._pendingAbortRequest._resolve(); stream._pendingAbortRequest = undefined; } } stream._state = 'closed'; var writer = stream._writer; if (writer !== undefined) { defaultWriterClosedPromiseResolve(writer); } } function WritableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError(stream, error) { stream._inFlightCloseRequest._reject(error); stream._inFlightCloseRequest = undefined; // Never execute sink abort() after sink close(). if (stream._pendingAbortRequest !== undefined) { stream._pendingAbortRequest._reject(error); stream._pendingAbortRequest = undefined; } WritableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, error); } // TODO(ricea): Fix alphabetical order. function WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) { if (stream._closeRequest === undefined && stream._inFlightCloseRequest === undefined) { return false; } return true; } function WritableStreamHasOperationMarkedInFlight(stream) { if (stream._inFlightWriteRequest === undefined && stream._inFlightCloseRequest === undefined) { return false; } return true; } function WritableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight(stream) { stream._inFlightCloseRequest = stream._closeRequest; stream._closeRequest = undefined; } function WritableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight(stream) { stream._inFlightWriteRequest = stream._writeRequests.shift(); } function WritableStreamRejectCloseAndClosedPromiseIfNeeded(stream) { if (stream._closeRequest !== undefined) { stream._closeRequest._reject(stream._storedError); stream._closeRequest = undefined; } var writer = stream._writer; if (writer !== undefined) { defaultWriterClosedPromiseReject(writer, stream._storedError); } } function WritableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure) { var writer = stream._writer; if (writer !== undefined && backpressure !== stream._backpressure) { if (backpressure) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseReset(writer); } else { defaultWriterReadyPromiseResolve(writer); } } stream._backpressure = backpressure; } /** * A default writer vended by a {@link WritableStream}. * * @public */ var WritableStreamDefaultWriter = /** @class */ (function () { function WritableStreamDefaultWriter(stream) { assertRequiredArgument(stream, 1, 'WritableStreamDefaultWriter'); assertWritableStream(stream, 'First parameter'); if (IsWritableStreamLocked(stream)) { throw new TypeError('This stream has already been locked for exclusive writing by another writer'); } this._ownerWritableStream = stream; stream._writer = this; var state = stream._state; if (state === 'writable') { if (!WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) && stream._backpressure) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitialize(this); } else { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsResolved(this); } defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitialize(this); } else if (state === 'erroring') { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsRejected(this, stream._storedError); defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitialize(this); } else if (state === 'closed') { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsResolved(this); defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitializeAsResolved(this); } else { var storedError = stream._storedError; defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsRejected(this, storedError); defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(this, storedError); } } Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, "closed", { /** * Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the stream becomes closed, or rejected if the stream ever errors or * the writer’s lock is released before the stream finishes closing. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterBrandCheckException('closed')); } return this._closedPromise; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, "desiredSize", { /** * Returns the desired size to fill the stream’s internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is over-full. * A producer can use this information to determine the right amount of data to write. * * It will be `null` if the stream cannot be successfully written to (due to either being errored, or having an abort * queued up). It will return zero if the stream is closed. And the getter will throw an exception if invoked when * the writer’s lock is released. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { throw defaultWriterBrandCheckException('desiredSize'); } if (this._ownerWritableStream === undefined) { throw defaultWriterLockException('desiredSize'); } return WritableStreamDefaultWriterGetDesiredSize(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, "ready", { /** * Returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the desired size to fill the stream’s internal queue transitions * from non-positive to positive, signaling that it is no longer applying backpressure. Once the desired size dips * back to zero or below, the getter will return a new promise that stays pending until the next transition. * * If the stream becomes errored or aborted, or the writer’s lock is released, the returned promise will become * rejected. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterBrandCheckException('ready')); } return this._readyPromise; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link WritableStream.abort | stream.abort(reason)}. */ WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype.abort = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterBrandCheckException('abort')); } if (this._ownerWritableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterLockException('abort')); } return WritableStreamDefaultWriterAbort(this, reason); }; /** * If the reader is active, behaves the same as {@link WritableStream.close | stream.close()}. */ WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype.close = function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterBrandCheckException('close')); } var stream = this._ownerWritableStream; if (stream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterLockException('close')); } if (WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('Cannot close an already-closing stream')); } return WritableStreamDefaultWriterClose(this); }; /** * Releases the writer’s lock on the corresponding stream. After the lock is released, the writer is no longer active. * If the associated stream is errored when the lock is released, the writer will appear errored in the same way from * now on; otherwise, the writer will appear closed. * * Note that the lock can still be released even if some ongoing writes have not yet finished (i.e. even if the * promises returned from previous calls to {@link WritableStreamDefaultWriter.write | write()} have not yet settled). * It’s not necessary to hold the lock on the writer for the duration of the write; the lock instead simply prevents * other producers from writing in an interleaved manner. */ WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype.releaseLock = function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { throw defaultWriterBrandCheckException('releaseLock'); } var stream = this._ownerWritableStream; if (stream === undefined) { return; } WritableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(this); }; WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype.write = function (chunk) { if (chunk === void 0) { chunk = undefined; } if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterBrandCheckException('write')); } if (this._ownerWritableStream === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterLockException('write to')); } return WritableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(this, chunk); }; return WritableStreamDefaultWriter; }()); Object.defineProperties(WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, { abort: { enumerable: true }, close: { enumerable: true }, releaseLock: { enumerable: true }, write: { enumerable: true }, closed: { enumerable: true }, desiredSize: { enumerable: true }, ready: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'WritableStreamDefaultWriter', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the WritableStreamDefaultWriter. function IsWritableStreamDefaultWriter(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_ownerWritableStream')) { return false; } return x instanceof WritableStreamDefaultWriter; } // A client of WritableStreamDefaultWriter may use these functions directly to bypass state check. function WritableStreamDefaultWriterAbort(writer, reason) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; return WritableStreamAbort(stream, reason); } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterClose(writer) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; return WritableStreamClose(stream); } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation(writer) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; var state = stream._state; if (WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) || state === 'closed') { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } if (state === 'errored') { return promiseRejectedWith(stream._storedError); } return WritableStreamDefaultWriterClose(writer); } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected(writer, error) { if (writer._closedPromiseState === 'pending') { defaultWriterClosedPromiseReject(writer, error); } else { defaultWriterClosedPromiseResetToRejected(writer, error); } } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, error) { if (writer._readyPromiseState === 'pending') { defaultWriterReadyPromiseReject(writer, error); } else { defaultWriterReadyPromiseResetToRejected(writer, error); } } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterGetDesiredSize(writer) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; var state = stream._state; if (state === 'errored' || state === 'erroring') { return null; } if (state === 'closed') { return 0; } return WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(stream._writableStreamController); } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(writer) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; var releasedError = new TypeError("Writer was released and can no longer be used to monitor the stream's closedness"); WritableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureReadyPromiseRejected(writer, releasedError); // The state transitions to "errored" before the sink abort() method runs, but the writer.closed promise is not // rejected until afterwards. This means that simply testing state will not work. WritableStreamDefaultWriterEnsureClosedPromiseRejected(writer, releasedError); stream._writer = undefined; writer._ownerWritableStream = undefined; } function WritableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(writer, chunk) { var stream = writer._ownerWritableStream; var controller = stream._writableStreamController; var chunkSize = WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize(controller, chunk); if (stream !== writer._ownerWritableStream) { return promiseRejectedWith(defaultWriterLockException('write to')); } var state = stream._state; if (state === 'errored') { return promiseRejectedWith(stream._storedError); } if (WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) || state === 'closed') { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('The stream is closing or closed and cannot be written to')); } if (state === 'erroring') { return promiseRejectedWith(stream._storedError); } var promise = WritableStreamAddWriteRequest(stream); WritableStreamDefaultControllerWrite(controller, chunk, chunkSize); return promise; } var closeSentinel = {}; /** * Allows control of a {@link WritableStream | writable stream}'s state and internal queue. * * @public */ var WritableStreamDefaultController = /** @class */ (function () { function WritableStreamDefaultController() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype, "abortReason", { /** * The reason which was passed to `WritableStream.abort(reason)` when the stream was aborted. * * @deprecated * This property has been removed from the specification, see https://github.com/whatwg/streams/pull/1177. * Use {@link WritableStreamDefaultController.signal}'s `reason` instead. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$2('abortReason'); } return this._abortReason; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype, "signal", { /** * An `AbortSignal` that can be used to abort the pending write or close operation when the stream is aborted. */ get: function () { if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$2('signal'); } if (this._abortController === undefined) { // Older browsers or older Node versions may not support `AbortController` or `AbortSignal`. // We don't want to bundle and ship an `AbortController` polyfill together with our polyfill, // so instead we only implement support for `signal` if we find a global `AbortController` constructor. throw new TypeError('WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype.signal is not supported'); } return this._abortController.signal; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Closes the controlled writable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`. * * This method is rarely used, since usually it suffices to return a rejected promise from one of the underlying * sink's methods. However, it can be useful for suddenly shutting down a stream in response to an event outside the * normal lifecycle of interactions with the underlying sink. */ WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype.error = function (e) { if (e === void 0) { e = undefined; } if (!IsWritableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$2('error'); } var state = this._controlledWritableStream._state; if (state !== 'writable') { // The stream is closed, errored or will be soon. The sink can't do anything useful if it gets an error here, so // just treat it as a no-op. return; } WritableStreamDefaultControllerError(this, e); }; /** @internal */ WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype[AbortSteps] = function (reason) { var result = this._abortAlgorithm(reason); WritableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; }; /** @internal */ WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype[ErrorSteps] = function () { ResetQueue(this); }; return WritableStreamDefaultController; }()); Object.defineProperties(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype, { abortReason: { enumerable: true }, signal: { enumerable: true }, error: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'WritableStreamDefaultController', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations implementing interface required by the WritableStream. function IsWritableStreamDefaultController(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_controlledWritableStream')) { return false; } return x instanceof WritableStreamDefaultController; } function SetUpWritableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { controller._controlledWritableStream = stream; stream._writableStreamController = controller; // Need to set the slots so that the assert doesn't fire. In the spec the slots already exist implicitly. controller._queue = undefined; controller._queueTotalSize = undefined; ResetQueue(controller); controller._abortReason = undefined; controller._abortController = createAbortController(); controller._started = false; controller._strategySizeAlgorithm = sizeAlgorithm; controller._strategyHWM = highWaterMark; controller._writeAlgorithm = writeAlgorithm; controller._closeAlgorithm = closeAlgorithm; controller._abortAlgorithm = abortAlgorithm; var backpressure = WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(controller); WritableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); var startResult = startAlgorithm(); var startPromise = promiseResolvedWith(startResult); uponPromise(startPromise, function () { controller._started = true; WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); }, function (r) { controller._started = true; WritableStreamDealWithRejection(stream, r); }); } function SetUpWritableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSink(stream, underlyingSink, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { var controller = Object.create(WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype); var startAlgorithm = function () { return undefined; }; var writeAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; var closeAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; var abortAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; if (underlyingSink.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingSink.start(controller); }; } if (underlyingSink.write !== undefined) { writeAlgorithm = function (chunk) { return underlyingSink.write(chunk, controller); }; } if (underlyingSink.close !== undefined) { closeAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingSink.close(); }; } if (underlyingSink.abort !== undefined) { abortAlgorithm = function (reason) { return underlyingSink.abort(reason); }; } SetUpWritableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); } // ClearAlgorithms may be called twice. Erroring the same stream in multiple ways will often result in redundant calls. function WritableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller._writeAlgorithm = undefined; controller._closeAlgorithm = undefined; controller._abortAlgorithm = undefined; controller._strategySizeAlgorithm = undefined; } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerClose(controller) { EnqueueValueWithSize(controller, closeSentinel, 0); WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetChunkSize(controller, chunk) { try { return controller._strategySizeAlgorithm(chunk); } catch (chunkSizeE) { WritableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, chunkSizeE); return 1; } } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { return controller._strategyHWM - controller._queueTotalSize; } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerWrite(controller, chunk, chunkSize) { try { EnqueueValueWithSize(controller, chunk, chunkSize); } catch (enqueueE) { WritableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, enqueueE); return; } var stream = controller._controlledWritableStream; if (!WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) && stream._state === 'writable') { var backpressure = WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(controller); WritableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); } WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); } // Abstract operations for the WritableStreamDefaultController. function WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledWritableStream; if (!controller._started) { return; } if (stream._inFlightWriteRequest !== undefined) { return; } var state = stream._state; if (state === 'erroring') { WritableStreamFinishErroring(stream); return; } if (controller._queue.length === 0) { return; } var value = PeekQueueValue(controller); if (value === closeSentinel) { WritableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose(controller); } else { WritableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite(controller, value); } } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(controller, error) { if (controller._controlledWritableStream._state === 'writable') { WritableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, error); } } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerProcessClose(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledWritableStream; WritableStreamMarkCloseRequestInFlight(stream); DequeueValue(controller); var sinkClosePromise = controller._closeAlgorithm(); WritableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); uponPromise(sinkClosePromise, function () { WritableStreamFinishInFlightClose(stream); }, function (reason) { WritableStreamFinishInFlightCloseWithError(stream, reason); }); } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerProcessWrite(controller, chunk) { var stream = controller._controlledWritableStream; WritableStreamMarkFirstWriteRequestInFlight(stream); var sinkWritePromise = controller._writeAlgorithm(chunk); uponPromise(sinkWritePromise, function () { WritableStreamFinishInFlightWrite(stream); var state = stream._state; DequeueValue(controller); if (!WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(stream) && state === 'writable') { var backpressure = WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(controller); WritableStreamUpdateBackpressure(stream, backpressure); } WritableStreamDefaultControllerAdvanceQueueIfNeeded(controller); }, function (reason) { if (stream._state === 'writable') { WritableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); } WritableStreamFinishInFlightWriteWithError(stream, reason); }); } function WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetBackpressure(controller) { var desiredSize = WritableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller); return desiredSize <= 0; } // A client of WritableStreamDefaultController may use these functions directly to bypass state check. function WritableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, error) { var stream = controller._controlledWritableStream; WritableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); WritableStreamStartErroring(stream, error); } // Helper functions for the WritableStream. function streamBrandCheckException$2(name) { return new TypeError("WritableStream.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a WritableStream"); } // Helper functions for the WritableStreamDefaultController. function defaultControllerBrandCheckException$2(name) { return new TypeError("WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a WritableStreamDefaultController"); } // Helper functions for the WritableStreamDefaultWriter. function defaultWriterBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("WritableStreamDefaultWriter.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a WritableStreamDefaultWriter"); } function defaultWriterLockException(name) { return new TypeError('Cannot ' + name + ' a stream using a released writer'); } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitialize(writer) { writer._closedPromise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { writer._closedPromise_resolve = resolve; writer._closedPromise_reject = reject; writer._closedPromiseState = 'pending'; }); } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(writer, reason) { defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitialize(writer); defaultWriterClosedPromiseReject(writer, reason); } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitializeAsResolved(writer) { defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitialize(writer); defaultWriterClosedPromiseResolve(writer); } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseReject(writer, reason) { if (writer._closedPromise_reject === undefined) { return; } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer._closedPromise); writer._closedPromise_reject(reason); writer._closedPromise_resolve = undefined; writer._closedPromise_reject = undefined; writer._closedPromiseState = 'rejected'; } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseResetToRejected(writer, reason) { defaultWriterClosedPromiseInitializeAsRejected(writer, reason); } function defaultWriterClosedPromiseResolve(writer) { if (writer._closedPromise_resolve === undefined) { return; } writer._closedPromise_resolve(undefined); writer._closedPromise_resolve = undefined; writer._closedPromise_reject = undefined; writer._closedPromiseState = 'resolved'; } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitialize(writer) { writer._readyPromise = newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { writer._readyPromise_resolve = resolve; writer._readyPromise_reject = reject; }); writer._readyPromiseState = 'pending'; } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsRejected(writer, reason) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitialize(writer); defaultWriterReadyPromiseReject(writer, reason); } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsResolved(writer) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitialize(writer); defaultWriterReadyPromiseResolve(writer); } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseReject(writer, reason) { if (writer._readyPromise_reject === undefined) { return; } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(writer._readyPromise); writer._readyPromise_reject(reason); writer._readyPromise_resolve = undefined; writer._readyPromise_reject = undefined; writer._readyPromiseState = 'rejected'; } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseReset(writer) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitialize(writer); } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseResetToRejected(writer, reason) { defaultWriterReadyPromiseInitializeAsRejected(writer, reason); } function defaultWriterReadyPromiseResolve(writer) { if (writer._readyPromise_resolve === undefined) { return; } writer._readyPromise_resolve(undefined); writer._readyPromise_resolve = undefined; writer._readyPromise_reject = undefined; writer._readyPromiseState = 'fulfilled'; } /// var NativeDOMException = typeof DOMException !== 'undefined' ? DOMException : undefined; /// function isDOMExceptionConstructor(ctor) { if (!(typeof ctor === 'function' || typeof ctor === 'object')) { return false; } try { new ctor(); return true; } catch (_a) { return false; } } function createDOMExceptionPolyfill() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var ctor = function DOMException(message, name) { this.message = message || ''; this.name = name || 'Error'; if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } }; ctor.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, 'constructor', { value: ctor, writable: true, configurable: true }); return ctor; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare var DOMException$1 = isDOMExceptionConstructor(NativeDOMException) ? NativeDOMException : createDOMExceptionPolyfill(); function ReadableStreamPipeTo(source, dest, preventClose, preventAbort, preventCancel, signal) { var reader = AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(source); var writer = AcquireWritableStreamDefaultWriter(dest); source._disturbed = true; var shuttingDown = false; // This is used to keep track of the spec's requirement that we wait for ongoing writes during shutdown. var currentWrite = promiseResolvedWith(undefined); return newPromise(function (resolve, reject) { var abortAlgorithm; if (signal !== undefined) { abortAlgorithm = function () { var error = new DOMException$1('Aborted', 'AbortError'); var actions = []; if (!preventAbort) { actions.push(function () { if (dest._state === 'writable') { return WritableStreamAbort(dest, error); } return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }); } if (!preventCancel) { actions.push(function () { if (source._state === 'readable') { return ReadableStreamCancel(source, error); } return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }); } shutdownWithAction(function () { return Promise.all(actions.map(function (action) { return action(); })); }, true, error); }; if (signal.aborted) { abortAlgorithm(); return; } signal.addEventListener('abort', abortAlgorithm); } // Using reader and writer, read all chunks from this and write them to dest // - Backpressure must be enforced // - Shutdown must stop all activity function pipeLoop() { return newPromise(function (resolveLoop, rejectLoop) { function next(done) { if (done) { resolveLoop(); } else { // Use `PerformPromiseThen` instead of `uponPromise` to avoid // adding unnecessary `.catch(rethrowAssertionErrorRejection)` handlers PerformPromiseThen(pipeStep(), next, rejectLoop); } } next(false); }); } function pipeStep() { if (shuttingDown) { return promiseResolvedWith(true); } return PerformPromiseThen(writer._readyPromise, function () { return newPromise(function (resolveRead, rejectRead) { ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { currentWrite = PerformPromiseThen(WritableStreamDefaultWriterWrite(writer, chunk), undefined, noop); resolveRead(false); }, _closeSteps: function () { return resolveRead(true); }, _errorSteps: rejectRead }); }); }); } // Errors must be propagated forward isOrBecomesErrored(source, reader._closedPromise, function (storedError) { if (!preventAbort) { shutdownWithAction(function () { return WritableStreamAbort(dest, storedError); }, true, storedError); } else { shutdown(true, storedError); } }); // Errors must be propagated backward isOrBecomesErrored(dest, writer._closedPromise, function (storedError) { if (!preventCancel) { shutdownWithAction(function () { return ReadableStreamCancel(source, storedError); }, true, storedError); } else { shutdown(true, storedError); } }); // Closing must be propagated forward isOrBecomesClosed(source, reader._closedPromise, function () { if (!preventClose) { shutdownWithAction(function () { return WritableStreamDefaultWriterCloseWithErrorPropagation(writer); }); } else { shutdown(); } }); // Closing must be propagated backward if (WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest) || dest._state === 'closed') { var destClosed_1 = new TypeError('the destination writable stream closed before all data could be piped to it'); if (!preventCancel) { shutdownWithAction(function () { return ReadableStreamCancel(source, destClosed_1); }, true, destClosed_1); } else { shutdown(true, destClosed_1); } } setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(pipeLoop()); function waitForWritesToFinish() { // Another write may have started while we were waiting on this currentWrite, so we have to be sure to wait // for that too. var oldCurrentWrite = currentWrite; return PerformPromiseThen(currentWrite, function () { return oldCurrentWrite !== currentWrite ? waitForWritesToFinish() : undefined; }); } function isOrBecomesErrored(stream, promise, action) { if (stream._state === 'errored') { action(stream._storedError); } else { uponRejection(promise, action); } } function isOrBecomesClosed(stream, promise, action) { if (stream._state === 'closed') { action(); } else { uponFulfillment(promise, action); } } function shutdownWithAction(action, originalIsError, originalError) { if (shuttingDown) { return; } shuttingDown = true; if (dest._state === 'writable' && !WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest)) { uponFulfillment(waitForWritesToFinish(), doTheRest); } else { doTheRest(); } function doTheRest() { uponPromise(action(), function () { return finalize(originalIsError, originalError); }, function (newError) { return finalize(true, newError); }); } } function shutdown(isError, error) { if (shuttingDown) { return; } shuttingDown = true; if (dest._state === 'writable' && !WritableStreamCloseQueuedOrInFlight(dest)) { uponFulfillment(waitForWritesToFinish(), function () { return finalize(isError, error); }); } else { finalize(isError, error); } } function finalize(isError, error) { WritableStreamDefaultWriterRelease(writer); ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); if (signal !== undefined) { signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAlgorithm); } if (isError) { reject(error); } else { resolve(undefined); } } }); } /** * Allows control of a {@link ReadableStream | readable stream}'s state and internal queue. * * @public */ var ReadableStreamDefaultController = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStreamDefaultController() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype, "desiredSize", { /** * Returns the desired size to fill the controlled stream's internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is * over-full. An underlying source ought to use this information to determine when and how to apply backpressure. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$1('desiredSize'); } return ReadableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Closes the controlled readable stream. Consumers will still be able to read any previously-enqueued chunks from * the stream, but once those are read, the stream will become closed. */ ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype.close = function () { if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$1('close'); } if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(this)) { throw new TypeError('The stream is not in a state that permits close'); } ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(this); }; ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype.enqueue = function (chunk) { if (chunk === void 0) { chunk = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$1('enqueue'); } if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(this)) { throw new TypeError('The stream is not in a state that permits enqueue'); } return ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); }; /** * Errors the controlled readable stream, making all future interactions with it fail with the given error `e`. */ ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype.error = function (e) { if (e === void 0) { e = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException$1('error'); } ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(this, e); }; /** @internal */ ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype[CancelSteps] = function (reason) { ResetQueue(this); var result = this._cancelAlgorithm(reason); ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); return result; }; /** @internal */ ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype[PullSteps] = function (readRequest) { var stream = this._controlledReadableStream; if (this._queue.length > 0) { var chunk = DequeueValue(this); if (this._closeRequested && this._queue.length === 0) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this); ReadableStreamClose(stream); } else { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); } readRequest._chunkSteps(chunk); } else { ReadableStreamAddReadRequest(stream, readRequest); ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(this); } }; return ReadableStreamDefaultController; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype, { close: { enumerable: true }, enqueue: { enumerable: true }, error: { enumerable: true }, desiredSize: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableStreamDefaultController', configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the ReadableStreamDefaultController. function IsReadableStreamDefaultController(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_controlledReadableStream')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableStreamDefaultController; } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller) { var shouldPull = ReadableStreamDefaultControllerShouldCallPull(controller); if (!shouldPull) { return; } if (controller._pulling) { controller._pullAgain = true; return; } controller._pulling = true; var pullPromise = controller._pullAlgorithm(); uponPromise(pullPromise, function () { controller._pulling = false; if (controller._pullAgain) { controller._pullAgain = false; ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } }, function (e) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e); }); } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerShouldCallPull(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableStream; if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller)) { return false; } if (!controller._started) { return false; } if (IsReadableStreamLocked(stream) && ReadableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0) { return true; } var desiredSize = ReadableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller); if (desiredSize > 0) { return true; } return false; } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller._pullAlgorithm = undefined; controller._cancelAlgorithm = undefined; controller._strategySizeAlgorithm = undefined; } // A client of ReadableStreamDefaultController may use these functions directly to bypass state check. function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(controller) { if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller)) { return; } var stream = controller._controlledReadableStream; controller._closeRequested = true; if (controller._queue.length === 0) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); ReadableStreamClose(stream); } } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller)) { return; } var stream = controller._controlledReadableStream; if (IsReadableStreamLocked(stream) && ReadableStreamGetNumReadRequests(stream) > 0) { ReadableStreamFulfillReadRequest(stream, chunk, false); } else { var chunkSize = void 0; try { chunkSize = controller._strategySizeAlgorithm(chunk); } catch (chunkSizeE) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, chunkSizeE); throw chunkSizeE; } try { EnqueueValueWithSize(controller, chunk, chunkSize); } catch (enqueueE) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, enqueueE); throw enqueueE; } } ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e) { var stream = controller._controlledReadableStream; if (stream._state !== 'readable') { return; } ResetQueue(controller); ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); ReadableStreamError(stream, e); } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(controller) { var state = controller._controlledReadableStream._state; if (state === 'errored') { return null; } if (state === 'closed') { return 0; } return controller._strategyHWM - controller._queueTotalSize; } // This is used in the implementation of TransformStream. function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerHasBackpressure(controller) { if (ReadableStreamDefaultControllerShouldCallPull(controller)) { return false; } return true; } function ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(controller) { var state = controller._controlledReadableStream._state; if (!controller._closeRequested && state === 'readable') { return true; } return false; } function SetUpReadableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { controller._controlledReadableStream = stream; controller._queue = undefined; controller._queueTotalSize = undefined; ResetQueue(controller); controller._started = false; controller._closeRequested = false; controller._pullAgain = false; controller._pulling = false; controller._strategySizeAlgorithm = sizeAlgorithm; controller._strategyHWM = highWaterMark; controller._pullAlgorithm = pullAlgorithm; controller._cancelAlgorithm = cancelAlgorithm; stream._readableStreamController = controller; var startResult = startAlgorithm(); uponPromise(promiseResolvedWith(startResult), function () { controller._started = true; ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallPullIfNeeded(controller); }, function (r) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, r); }); } function SetUpReadableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSource(stream, underlyingSource, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { var controller = Object.create(ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype); var startAlgorithm = function () { return undefined; }; var pullAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; var cancelAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; if (underlyingSource.start !== undefined) { startAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingSource.start(controller); }; } if (underlyingSource.pull !== undefined) { pullAlgorithm = function () { return underlyingSource.pull(controller); }; } if (underlyingSource.cancel !== undefined) { cancelAlgorithm = function (reason) { return underlyingSource.cancel(reason); }; } SetUpReadableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); } // Helper functions for the ReadableStreamDefaultController. function defaultControllerBrandCheckException$1(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableStreamDefaultController"); } function ReadableStreamTee(stream, cloneForBranch2) { if (IsReadableByteStreamController(stream._readableStreamController)) { return ReadableByteStreamTee(stream); } return ReadableStreamDefaultTee(stream); } function ReadableStreamDefaultTee(stream, cloneForBranch2) { var reader = AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); var reading = false; var readAgain = false; var canceled1 = false; var canceled2 = false; var reason1; var reason2; var branch1; var branch2; var resolveCancelPromise; var cancelPromise = newPromise(function (resolve) { resolveCancelPromise = resolve; }); function pullAlgorithm() { if (reading) { readAgain = true; return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } reading = true; var readRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { // This needs to be delayed a microtask because it takes at least a microtask to detect errors (using // reader._closedPromise below), and we want errors in stream to error both branches immediately. We cannot let // successful synchronously-available reads get ahead of asynchronously-available errors. queueMicrotask(function () { readAgain = false; var chunk1 = chunk; var chunk2 = chunk; // There is no way to access the cloning code right now in the reference implementation. // If we add one then we'll need an implementation for serializable objects. // if (!canceled2 && cloneForBranch2) { // chunk2 = StructuredDeserialize(StructuredSerialize(chunk2)); // } if (!canceled1) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(branch1._readableStreamController, chunk1); } if (!canceled2) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(branch2._readableStreamController, chunk2); } reading = false; if (readAgain) { pullAlgorithm(); } }); }, _closeSteps: function () { reading = false; if (!canceled1) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(branch1._readableStreamController); } if (!canceled2) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(branch2._readableStreamController); } if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { resolveCancelPromise(undefined); } }, _errorSteps: function () { reading = false; } }; ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } function cancel1Algorithm(reason) { canceled1 = true; reason1 = reason; if (canceled2) { var compositeReason = CreateArrayFromList([reason1, reason2]); var cancelResult = ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); resolveCancelPromise(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise; } function cancel2Algorithm(reason) { canceled2 = true; reason2 = reason; if (canceled1) { var compositeReason = CreateArrayFromList([reason1, reason2]); var cancelResult = ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); resolveCancelPromise(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise; } function startAlgorithm() { // do nothing } branch1 = CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel1Algorithm); branch2 = CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel2Algorithm); uponRejection(reader._closedPromise, function (r) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch1._readableStreamController, r); ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch2._readableStreamController, r); if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { resolveCancelPromise(undefined); } }); return [branch1, branch2]; } function ReadableByteStreamTee(stream) { var reader = AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); var reading = false; var readAgainForBranch1 = false; var readAgainForBranch2 = false; var canceled1 = false; var canceled2 = false; var reason1; var reason2; var branch1; var branch2; var resolveCancelPromise; var cancelPromise = newPromise(function (resolve) { resolveCancelPromise = resolve; }); function forwardReaderError(thisReader) { uponRejection(thisReader._closedPromise, function (r) { if (thisReader !== reader) { return; } ReadableByteStreamControllerError(branch1._readableStreamController, r); ReadableByteStreamControllerError(branch2._readableStreamController, r); if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { resolveCancelPromise(undefined); } }); } function pullWithDefaultReader() { if (IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); reader = AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream); forwardReaderError(reader); } var readRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { // This needs to be delayed a microtask because it takes at least a microtask to detect errors (using // reader._closedPromise below), and we want errors in stream to error both branches immediately. We cannot let // successful synchronously-available reads get ahead of asynchronously-available errors. queueMicrotask(function () { readAgainForBranch1 = false; readAgainForBranch2 = false; var chunk1 = chunk; var chunk2 = chunk; if (!canceled1 && !canceled2) { try { chunk2 = CloneAsUint8Array(chunk); } catch (cloneE) { ReadableByteStreamControllerError(branch1._readableStreamController, cloneE); ReadableByteStreamControllerError(branch2._readableStreamController, cloneE); resolveCancelPromise(ReadableStreamCancel(stream, cloneE)); return; } } if (!canceled1) { ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(branch1._readableStreamController, chunk1); } if (!canceled2) { ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(branch2._readableStreamController, chunk2); } reading = false; if (readAgainForBranch1) { pull1Algorithm(); } else if (readAgainForBranch2) { pull2Algorithm(); } }); }, _closeSteps: function () { reading = false; if (!canceled1) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(branch1._readableStreamController); } if (!canceled2) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(branch2._readableStreamController); } if (branch1._readableStreamController._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(branch1._readableStreamController, 0); } if (branch2._readableStreamController._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(branch2._readableStreamController, 0); } if (!canceled1 || !canceled2) { resolveCancelPromise(undefined); } }, _errorSteps: function () { reading = false; } }; ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest); } function pullWithBYOBReader(view, forBranch2) { if (IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { ReadableStreamReaderGenericRelease(reader); reader = AcquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(stream); forwardReaderError(reader); } var byobBranch = forBranch2 ? branch2 : branch1; var otherBranch = forBranch2 ? branch1 : branch2; var readIntoRequest = { _chunkSteps: function (chunk) { // This needs to be delayed a microtask because it takes at least a microtask to detect errors (using // reader._closedPromise below), and we want errors in stream to error both branches immediately. We cannot let // successful synchronously-available reads get ahead of asynchronously-available errors. queueMicrotask(function () { readAgainForBranch1 = false; readAgainForBranch2 = false; var byobCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled2 : canceled1; var otherCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled1 : canceled2; if (!otherCanceled) { var clonedChunk = void 0; try { clonedChunk = CloneAsUint8Array(chunk); } catch (cloneE) { ReadableByteStreamControllerError(byobBranch._readableStreamController, cloneE); ReadableByteStreamControllerError(otherBranch._readableStreamController, cloneE); resolveCancelPromise(ReadableStreamCancel(stream, cloneE)); return; } if (!byobCanceled) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(byobBranch._readableStreamController, chunk); } ReadableByteStreamControllerEnqueue(otherBranch._readableStreamController, clonedChunk); } else if (!byobCanceled) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(byobBranch._readableStreamController, chunk); } reading = false; if (readAgainForBranch1) { pull1Algorithm(); } else if (readAgainForBranch2) { pull2Algorithm(); } }); }, _closeSteps: function (chunk) { reading = false; var byobCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled2 : canceled1; var otherCanceled = forBranch2 ? canceled1 : canceled2; if (!byobCanceled) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(byobBranch._readableStreamController); } if (!otherCanceled) { ReadableByteStreamControllerClose(otherBranch._readableStreamController); } if (chunk !== undefined) { if (!byobCanceled) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(byobBranch._readableStreamController, chunk); } if (!otherCanceled && otherBranch._readableStreamController._pendingPullIntos.length > 0) { ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(otherBranch._readableStreamController, 0); } } if (!byobCanceled || !otherCanceled) { resolveCancelPromise(undefined); } }, _errorSteps: function () { reading = false; } }; ReadableStreamBYOBReaderRead(reader, view, readIntoRequest); } function pull1Algorithm() { if (reading) { readAgainForBranch1 = true; return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } reading = true; var byobRequest = ReadableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(branch1._readableStreamController); if (byobRequest === null) { pullWithDefaultReader(); } else { pullWithBYOBReader(byobRequest._view, false); } return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } function pull2Algorithm() { if (reading) { readAgainForBranch2 = true; return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } reading = true; var byobRequest = ReadableByteStreamControllerGetBYOBRequest(branch2._readableStreamController); if (byobRequest === null) { pullWithDefaultReader(); } else { pullWithBYOBReader(byobRequest._view, true); } return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } function cancel1Algorithm(reason) { canceled1 = true; reason1 = reason; if (canceled2) { var compositeReason = CreateArrayFromList([reason1, reason2]); var cancelResult = ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); resolveCancelPromise(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise; } function cancel2Algorithm(reason) { canceled2 = true; reason2 = reason; if (canceled1) { var compositeReason = CreateArrayFromList([reason1, reason2]); var cancelResult = ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason); resolveCancelPromise(cancelResult); } return cancelPromise; } function startAlgorithm() { return; } branch1 = CreateReadableByteStream(startAlgorithm, pull1Algorithm, cancel1Algorithm); branch2 = CreateReadableByteStream(startAlgorithm, pull2Algorithm, cancel2Algorithm); forwardReaderError(reader); return [branch1, branch2]; } function convertUnderlyingDefaultOrByteSource(source, context) { assertDictionary(source, context); var original = source; var autoAllocateChunkSize = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.autoAllocateChunkSize; var cancel = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.cancel; var pull = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.pull; var start = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.start; var type = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.type; return { autoAllocateChunkSize: autoAllocateChunkSize === undefined ? undefined : convertUnsignedLongLongWithEnforceRange(autoAllocateChunkSize, context + " has member 'autoAllocateChunkSize' that"), cancel: cancel === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSourceCancelCallback(cancel, original, context + " has member 'cancel' that"), pull: pull === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSourcePullCallback(pull, original, context + " has member 'pull' that"), start: start === undefined ? undefined : convertUnderlyingSourceStartCallback(start, original, context + " has member 'start' that"), type: type === undefined ? undefined : convertReadableStreamType(type, context + " has member 'type' that") }; } function convertUnderlyingSourceCancelCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (reason) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [reason]); }; } function convertUnderlyingSourcePullCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (controller) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [controller]); }; } function convertUnderlyingSourceStartCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (controller) { return reflectCall(fn, original, [controller]); }; } function convertReadableStreamType(type, context) { type = "" + type; if (type !== 'bytes') { throw new TypeError(context + " '" + type + "' is not a valid enumeration value for ReadableStreamType"); } return type; } function convertReaderOptions(options, context) { assertDictionary(options, context); var mode = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.mode; return { mode: mode === undefined ? undefined : convertReadableStreamReaderMode(mode, context + " has member 'mode' that") }; } function convertReadableStreamReaderMode(mode, context) { mode = "" + mode; if (mode !== 'byob') { throw new TypeError(context + " '" + mode + "' is not a valid enumeration value for ReadableStreamReaderMode"); } return mode; } function convertIteratorOptions(options, context) { assertDictionary(options, context); var preventCancel = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.preventCancel; return { preventCancel: Boolean(preventCancel) }; } function convertPipeOptions(options, context) { assertDictionary(options, context); var preventAbort = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.preventAbort; var preventCancel = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.preventCancel; var preventClose = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.preventClose; var signal = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.signal; if (signal !== undefined) { assertAbortSignal(signal, context + " has member 'signal' that"); } return { preventAbort: Boolean(preventAbort), preventCancel: Boolean(preventCancel), preventClose: Boolean(preventClose), signal: signal }; } function assertAbortSignal(signal, context) { if (!isAbortSignal(signal)) { throw new TypeError(context + " is not an AbortSignal."); } } function convertReadableWritablePair(pair, context) { assertDictionary(pair, context); var readable = pair === null || pair === void 0 ? void 0 : pair.readable; assertRequiredField(readable, 'readable', 'ReadableWritablePair'); assertReadableStream(readable, context + " has member 'readable' that"); var writable = pair === null || pair === void 0 ? void 0 : pair.writable; assertRequiredField(writable, 'writable', 'ReadableWritablePair'); assertWritableStream(writable, context + " has member 'writable' that"); return { readable: readable, writable: writable }; } /** * A readable stream represents a source of data, from which you can read. * * @public */ var ReadableStream = /** @class */ (function () { function ReadableStream(rawUnderlyingSource, rawStrategy) { if (rawUnderlyingSource === void 0) { rawUnderlyingSource = {}; } if (rawStrategy === void 0) { rawStrategy = {}; } if (rawUnderlyingSource === undefined) { rawUnderlyingSource = null; } else { assertObject(rawUnderlyingSource, 'First parameter'); } var strategy = convertQueuingStrategy(rawStrategy, 'Second parameter'); var underlyingSource = convertUnderlyingDefaultOrByteSource(rawUnderlyingSource, 'First parameter'); InitializeReadableStream(this); if (underlyingSource.type === 'bytes') { if (strategy.size !== undefined) { throw new RangeError('The strategy for a byte stream cannot have a size function'); } var highWaterMark = ExtractHighWaterMark(strategy, 0); SetUpReadableByteStreamControllerFromUnderlyingSource(this, underlyingSource, highWaterMark); } else { var sizeAlgorithm = ExtractSizeAlgorithm(strategy); var highWaterMark = ExtractHighWaterMark(strategy, 1); SetUpReadableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSource(this, underlyingSource, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); } } Object.defineProperty(ReadableStream.prototype, "locked", { /** * Whether or not the readable stream is locked to a {@link ReadableStreamDefaultReader | reader}. */ get: function () { if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$1('locked'); } return IsReadableStreamLocked(this); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Cancels the stream, signaling a loss of interest in the stream by a consumer. * * The supplied `reason` argument will be given to the underlying source's {@link UnderlyingSource.cancel | cancel()} * method, which might or might not use it. */ ReadableStream.prototype.cancel = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamBrandCheckException$1('cancel')); } if (IsReadableStreamLocked(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('Cannot cancel a stream that already has a reader')); } return ReadableStreamCancel(this, reason); }; ReadableStream.prototype.getReader = function (rawOptions) { if (rawOptions === void 0) { rawOptions = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$1('getReader'); } var options = convertReaderOptions(rawOptions, 'First parameter'); if (options.mode === undefined) { return AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(this); } return AcquireReadableStreamBYOBReader(this); }; ReadableStream.prototype.pipeThrough = function (rawTransform, rawOptions) { if (rawOptions === void 0) { rawOptions = {}; } if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$1('pipeThrough'); } assertRequiredArgument(rawTransform, 1, 'pipeThrough'); var transform = convertReadableWritablePair(rawTransform, 'First parameter'); var options = convertPipeOptions(rawOptions, 'Second parameter'); if (IsReadableStreamLocked(this)) { throw new TypeError('ReadableStream.prototype.pipeThrough cannot be used on a locked ReadableStream'); } if (IsWritableStreamLocked(transform.writable)) { throw new TypeError('ReadableStream.prototype.pipeThrough cannot be used on a locked WritableStream'); } var promise = ReadableStreamPipeTo(this, transform.writable, options.preventClose, options.preventAbort, options.preventCancel, options.signal); setPromiseIsHandledToTrue(promise); return transform.readable; }; ReadableStream.prototype.pipeTo = function (destination, rawOptions) { if (rawOptions === void 0) { rawOptions = {}; } if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(streamBrandCheckException$1('pipeTo')); } if (destination === undefined) { return promiseRejectedWith("Parameter 1 is required in 'pipeTo'."); } if (!IsWritableStream(destination)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError("ReadableStream.prototype.pipeTo's first argument must be a WritableStream")); } var options; try { options = convertPipeOptions(rawOptions, 'Second parameter'); } catch (e) { return promiseRejectedWith(e); } if (IsReadableStreamLocked(this)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('ReadableStream.prototype.pipeTo cannot be used on a locked ReadableStream')); } if (IsWritableStreamLocked(destination)) { return promiseRejectedWith(new TypeError('ReadableStream.prototype.pipeTo cannot be used on a locked WritableStream')); } return ReadableStreamPipeTo(this, destination, options.preventClose, options.preventAbort, options.preventCancel, options.signal); }; /** * Tees this readable stream, returning a two-element array containing the two resulting branches as * new {@link ReadableStream} instances. * * Teeing a stream will lock it, preventing any other consumer from acquiring a reader. * To cancel the stream, cancel both of the resulting branches; a composite cancellation reason will then be * propagated to the stream's underlying source. * * Note that the chunks seen in each branch will be the same object. If the chunks are not immutable, * this could allow interference between the two branches. */ ReadableStream.prototype.tee = function () { if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$1('tee'); } var branches = ReadableStreamTee(this); return CreateArrayFromList(branches); }; ReadableStream.prototype.values = function (rawOptions) { if (rawOptions === void 0) { rawOptions = undefined; } if (!IsReadableStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException$1('values'); } var options = convertIteratorOptions(rawOptions, 'First parameter'); return AcquireReadableStreamAsyncIterator(this, options.preventCancel); }; return ReadableStream; }()); Object.defineProperties(ReadableStream.prototype, { cancel: { enumerable: true }, getReader: { enumerable: true }, pipeThrough: { enumerable: true }, pipeTo: { enumerable: true }, tee: { enumerable: true }, values: { enumerable: true }, locked: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStream.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ReadableStream', configurable: true }); } if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.asyncIterator === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ReadableStream.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.asyncIterator, { value: ReadableStream.prototype.values, writable: true, configurable: true }); } // Abstract operations for the ReadableStream. // Throws if and only if startAlgorithm throws. function CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm) { if (highWaterMark === void 0) { highWaterMark = 1; } if (sizeAlgorithm === void 0) { sizeAlgorithm = function () { return 1; }; } var stream = Object.create(ReadableStream.prototype); InitializeReadableStream(stream); var controller = Object.create(ReadableStreamDefaultController.prototype); SetUpReadableStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, highWaterMark, sizeAlgorithm); return stream; } // Throws if and only if startAlgorithm throws. function CreateReadableByteStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm) { var stream = Object.create(ReadableStream.prototype); InitializeReadableStream(stream); var controller = Object.create(ReadableByteStreamController.prototype); SetUpReadableByteStreamController(stream, controller, startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, 0, undefined); return stream; } function InitializeReadableStream(stream) { stream._state = 'readable'; stream._reader = undefined; stream._storedError = undefined; stream._disturbed = false; } function IsReadableStream(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_readableStreamController')) { return false; } return x instanceof ReadableStream; } function IsReadableStreamLocked(stream) { if (stream._reader === undefined) { return false; } return true; } // ReadableStream API exposed for controllers. function ReadableStreamCancel(stream, reason) { stream._disturbed = true; if (stream._state === 'closed') { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } if (stream._state === 'errored') { return promiseRejectedWith(stream._storedError); } ReadableStreamClose(stream); var reader = stream._reader; if (reader !== undefined && IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader)) { reader._readIntoRequests.forEach(function (readIntoRequest) { readIntoRequest._closeSteps(undefined); }); reader._readIntoRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } var sourceCancelPromise = stream._readableStreamController[CancelSteps](reason); return transformPromiseWith(sourceCancelPromise, noop); } function ReadableStreamClose(stream) { stream._state = 'closed'; var reader = stream._reader; if (reader === undefined) { return; } defaultReaderClosedPromiseResolve(reader); if (IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { reader._readRequests.forEach(function (readRequest) { readRequest._closeSteps(); }); reader._readRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } } function ReadableStreamError(stream, e) { stream._state = 'errored'; stream._storedError = e; var reader = stream._reader; if (reader === undefined) { return; } defaultReaderClosedPromiseReject(reader, e); if (IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)) { reader._readRequests.forEach(function (readRequest) { readRequest._errorSteps(e); }); reader._readRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } else { reader._readIntoRequests.forEach(function (readIntoRequest) { readIntoRequest._errorSteps(e); }); reader._readIntoRequests = new SimpleQueue(); } } // Helper functions for the ReadableStream. function streamBrandCheckException$1(name) { return new TypeError("ReadableStream.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ReadableStream"); } function convertQueuingStrategyInit(init, context) { assertDictionary(init, context); var highWaterMark = init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.highWaterMark; assertRequiredField(highWaterMark, 'highWaterMark', 'QueuingStrategyInit'); return { highWaterMark: convertUnrestrictedDouble(highWaterMark) }; } // The size function must not have a prototype property nor be a constructor var byteLengthSizeFunction = function (chunk) { return chunk.byteLength; }; try { Object.defineProperty(byteLengthSizeFunction, 'name', { value: 'size', configurable: true }); } catch (_a) { // This property is non-configurable in older browsers, so ignore if this throws. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/name#browser_compatibility } /** * A queuing strategy that counts the number of bytes in each chunk. * * @public */ var ByteLengthQueuingStrategy = /** @class */ (function () { function ByteLengthQueuingStrategy(options) { assertRequiredArgument(options, 1, 'ByteLengthQueuingStrategy'); options = convertQueuingStrategyInit(options, 'First parameter'); this._byteLengthQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark = options.highWaterMark; } Object.defineProperty(ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype, "highWaterMark", { /** * Returns the high water mark provided to the constructor. */ get: function () { if (!IsByteLengthQueuingStrategy(this)) { throw byteLengthBrandCheckException('highWaterMark'); } return this._byteLengthQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype, "size", { /** * Measures the size of `chunk` by returning the value of its `byteLength` property. */ get: function () { if (!IsByteLengthQueuingStrategy(this)) { throw byteLengthBrandCheckException('size'); } return byteLengthSizeFunction; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return ByteLengthQueuingStrategy; }()); Object.defineProperties(ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype, { highWaterMark: { enumerable: true }, size: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'ByteLengthQueuingStrategy', configurable: true }); } // Helper functions for the ByteLengthQueuingStrategy. function byteLengthBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a ByteLengthQueuingStrategy"); } function IsByteLengthQueuingStrategy(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_byteLengthQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark')) { return false; } return x instanceof ByteLengthQueuingStrategy; } // The size function must not have a prototype property nor be a constructor var countSizeFunction = function () { return 1; }; try { Object.defineProperty(countSizeFunction, 'name', { value: 'size', configurable: true }); } catch (_a) { // This property is non-configurable in older browsers, so ignore if this throws. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/name#browser_compatibility } /** * A queuing strategy that counts the number of chunks. * * @public */ var CountQueuingStrategy = /** @class */ (function () { function CountQueuingStrategy(options) { assertRequiredArgument(options, 1, 'CountQueuingStrategy'); options = convertQueuingStrategyInit(options, 'First parameter'); this._countQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark = options.highWaterMark; } Object.defineProperty(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype, "highWaterMark", { /** * Returns the high water mark provided to the constructor. */ get: function () { if (!IsCountQueuingStrategy(this)) { throw countBrandCheckException('highWaterMark'); } return this._countQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype, "size", { /** * Measures the size of `chunk` by always returning 1. * This ensures that the total queue size is a count of the number of chunks in the queue. */ get: function () { if (!IsCountQueuingStrategy(this)) { throw countBrandCheckException('size'); } return countSizeFunction; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return CountQueuingStrategy; }()); Object.defineProperties(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype, { highWaterMark: { enumerable: true }, size: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'CountQueuingStrategy', configurable: true }); } // Helper functions for the CountQueuingStrategy. function countBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("CountQueuingStrategy.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a CountQueuingStrategy"); } function IsCountQueuingStrategy(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_countQueuingStrategyHighWaterMark')) { return false; } return x instanceof CountQueuingStrategy; } function convertTransformer(original, context) { assertDictionary(original, context); var flush = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.flush; var readableType = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.readableType; var start = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.start; var transform = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.transform; var writableType = original === null || original === void 0 ? void 0 : original.writableType; return { flush: flush === undefined ? undefined : convertTransformerFlushCallback(flush, original, context + " has member 'flush' that"), readableType: readableType, start: start === undefined ? undefined : convertTransformerStartCallback(start, original, context + " has member 'start' that"), transform: transform === undefined ? undefined : convertTransformerTransformCallback(transform, original, context + " has member 'transform' that"), writableType: writableType }; } function convertTransformerFlushCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (controller) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [controller]); }; } function convertTransformerStartCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (controller) { return reflectCall(fn, original, [controller]); }; } function convertTransformerTransformCallback(fn, original, context) { assertFunction(fn, context); return function (chunk, controller) { return promiseCall(fn, original, [chunk, controller]); }; } // Class TransformStream /** * A transform stream consists of a pair of streams: a {@link WritableStream | writable stream}, * known as its writable side, and a {@link ReadableStream | readable stream}, known as its readable side. * In a manner specific to the transform stream in question, writes to the writable side result in new data being * made available for reading from the readable side. * * @public */ var TransformStream = /** @class */ (function () { function TransformStream(rawTransformer, rawWritableStrategy, rawReadableStrategy) { if (rawTransformer === void 0) { rawTransformer = {}; } if (rawWritableStrategy === void 0) { rawWritableStrategy = {}; } if (rawReadableStrategy === void 0) { rawReadableStrategy = {}; } if (rawTransformer === undefined) { rawTransformer = null; } var writableStrategy = convertQueuingStrategy(rawWritableStrategy, 'Second parameter'); var readableStrategy = convertQueuingStrategy(rawReadableStrategy, 'Third parameter'); var transformer = convertTransformer(rawTransformer, 'First parameter'); if (transformer.readableType !== undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid readableType specified'); } if (transformer.writableType !== undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid writableType specified'); } var readableHighWaterMark = ExtractHighWaterMark(readableStrategy, 0); var readableSizeAlgorithm = ExtractSizeAlgorithm(readableStrategy); var writableHighWaterMark = ExtractHighWaterMark(writableStrategy, 1); var writableSizeAlgorithm = ExtractSizeAlgorithm(writableStrategy); var startPromise_resolve; var startPromise = newPromise(function (resolve) { startPromise_resolve = resolve; }); InitializeTransformStream(this, startPromise, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm); SetUpTransformStreamDefaultControllerFromTransformer(this, transformer); if (transformer.start !== undefined) { startPromise_resolve(transformer.start(this._transformStreamController)); } else { startPromise_resolve(undefined); } } Object.defineProperty(TransformStream.prototype, "readable", { /** * The readable side of the transform stream. */ get: function () { if (!IsTransformStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException('readable'); } return this._readable; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TransformStream.prototype, "writable", { /** * The writable side of the transform stream. */ get: function () { if (!IsTransformStream(this)) { throw streamBrandCheckException('writable'); } return this._writable; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); return TransformStream; }()); Object.defineProperties(TransformStream.prototype, { readable: { enumerable: true }, writable: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(TransformStream.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'TransformStream', configurable: true }); } function InitializeTransformStream(stream, startPromise, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm) { function startAlgorithm() { return startPromise; } function writeAlgorithm(chunk) { return TransformStreamDefaultSinkWriteAlgorithm(stream, chunk); } function abortAlgorithm(reason) { return TransformStreamDefaultSinkAbortAlgorithm(stream, reason); } function closeAlgorithm() { return TransformStreamDefaultSinkCloseAlgorithm(stream); } stream._writable = CreateWritableStream(startAlgorithm, writeAlgorithm, closeAlgorithm, abortAlgorithm, writableHighWaterMark, writableSizeAlgorithm); function pullAlgorithm() { return TransformStreamDefaultSourcePullAlgorithm(stream); } function cancelAlgorithm(reason) { TransformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, reason); return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } stream._readable = CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancelAlgorithm, readableHighWaterMark, readableSizeAlgorithm); // The [[backpressure]] slot is set to undefined so that it can be initialised by TransformStreamSetBackpressure. stream._backpressure = undefined; stream._backpressureChangePromise = undefined; stream._backpressureChangePromise_resolve = undefined; TransformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, true); stream._transformStreamController = undefined; } function IsTransformStream(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_transformStreamController')) { return false; } return x instanceof TransformStream; } // This is a no-op if both sides are already errored. function TransformStreamError(stream, e) { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(stream._readable._readableStreamController, e); TransformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e); } function TransformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e) { TransformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(stream._transformStreamController); WritableStreamDefaultControllerErrorIfNeeded(stream._writable._writableStreamController, e); if (stream._backpressure) { // Pretend that pull() was called to permit any pending write() calls to complete. TransformStreamSetBackpressure() // cannot be called from enqueue() or pull() once the ReadableStream is errored, so this will will be the final time // _backpressure is set. TransformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, false); } } function TransformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, backpressure) { // Passes also when called during construction. if (stream._backpressureChangePromise !== undefined) { stream._backpressureChangePromise_resolve(); } stream._backpressureChangePromise = newPromise(function (resolve) { stream._backpressureChangePromise_resolve = resolve; }); stream._backpressure = backpressure; } // Class TransformStreamDefaultController /** * Allows control of the {@link ReadableStream} and {@link WritableStream} of the associated {@link TransformStream}. * * @public */ var TransformStreamDefaultController = /** @class */ (function () { function TransformStreamDefaultController() { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } Object.defineProperty(TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype, "desiredSize", { /** * Returns the desired size to fill the readable side’s internal queue. It can be negative, if the queue is over-full. */ get: function () { if (!IsTransformStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException('desiredSize'); } var readableController = this._controlledTransformStream._readable._readableStreamController; return ReadableStreamDefaultControllerGetDesiredSize(readableController); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype.enqueue = function (chunk) { if (chunk === void 0) { chunk = undefined; } if (!IsTransformStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException('enqueue'); } TransformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(this, chunk); }; /** * Errors both the readable side and the writable side of the controlled transform stream, making all future * interactions with it fail with the given error `e`. Any chunks queued for transformation will be discarded. */ TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype.error = function (reason) { if (reason === void 0) { reason = undefined; } if (!IsTransformStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException('error'); } TransformStreamDefaultControllerError(this, reason); }; /** * Closes the readable side and errors the writable side of the controlled transform stream. This is useful when the * transformer only needs to consume a portion of the chunks written to the writable side. */ TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype.terminate = function () { if (!IsTransformStreamDefaultController(this)) { throw defaultControllerBrandCheckException('terminate'); } TransformStreamDefaultControllerTerminate(this); }; return TransformStreamDefaultController; }()); Object.defineProperties(TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype, { enqueue: { enumerable: true }, error: { enumerable: true }, terminate: { enumerable: true }, desiredSize: { enumerable: true } }); if (typeof SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag === 'symbol') { Object.defineProperty(TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype, SymbolPolyfill.toStringTag, { value: 'TransformStreamDefaultController', configurable: true }); } // Transform Stream Default Controller Abstract Operations function IsTransformStreamDefaultController(x) { if (!typeIsObject(x)) { return false; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, '_controlledTransformStream')) { return false; } return x instanceof TransformStreamDefaultController; } function SetUpTransformStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, transformAlgorithm, flushAlgorithm) { controller._controlledTransformStream = stream; stream._transformStreamController = controller; controller._transformAlgorithm = transformAlgorithm; controller._flushAlgorithm = flushAlgorithm; } function SetUpTransformStreamDefaultControllerFromTransformer(stream, transformer) { var controller = Object.create(TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype); var transformAlgorithm = function (chunk) { try { TransformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk); return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } catch (transformResultE) { return promiseRejectedWith(transformResultE); } }; var flushAlgorithm = function () { return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); }; if (transformer.transform !== undefined) { transformAlgorithm = function (chunk) { return transformer.transform(chunk, controller); }; } if (transformer.flush !== undefined) { flushAlgorithm = function () { return transformer.flush(controller); }; } SetUpTransformStreamDefaultController(stream, controller, transformAlgorithm, flushAlgorithm); } function TransformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller) { controller._transformAlgorithm = undefined; controller._flushAlgorithm = undefined; } function TransformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(controller, chunk) { var stream = controller._controlledTransformStream; var readableController = stream._readable._readableStreamController; if (!ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCanCloseOrEnqueue(readableController)) { throw new TypeError('Readable side is not in a state that permits enqueue'); } // We throttle transform invocations based on the backpressure of the ReadableStream, but we still // accept TransformStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue() calls. try { ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(readableController, chunk); } catch (e) { // This happens when readableStrategy.size() throws. TransformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, e); throw stream._readable._storedError; } var backpressure = ReadableStreamDefaultControllerHasBackpressure(readableController); if (backpressure !== stream._backpressure) { TransformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, true); } } function TransformStreamDefaultControllerError(controller, e) { TransformStreamError(controller._controlledTransformStream, e); } function TransformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform(controller, chunk) { var transformPromise = controller._transformAlgorithm(chunk); return transformPromiseWith(transformPromise, undefined, function (r) { TransformStreamError(controller._controlledTransformStream, r); throw r; }); } function TransformStreamDefaultControllerTerminate(controller) { var stream = controller._controlledTransformStream; var readableController = stream._readable._readableStreamController; ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(readableController); var error = new TypeError('TransformStream terminated'); TransformStreamErrorWritableAndUnblockWrite(stream, error); } // TransformStreamDefaultSink Algorithms function TransformStreamDefaultSinkWriteAlgorithm(stream, chunk) { var controller = stream._transformStreamController; if (stream._backpressure) { var backpressureChangePromise = stream._backpressureChangePromise; return transformPromiseWith(backpressureChangePromise, function () { var writable = stream._writable; var state = writable._state; if (state === 'erroring') { throw writable._storedError; } return TransformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform(controller, chunk); }); } return TransformStreamDefaultControllerPerformTransform(controller, chunk); } function TransformStreamDefaultSinkAbortAlgorithm(stream, reason) { // abort() is not called synchronously, so it is possible for abort() to be called when the stream is already // errored. TransformStreamError(stream, reason); return promiseResolvedWith(undefined); } function TransformStreamDefaultSinkCloseAlgorithm(stream) { // stream._readable cannot change after construction, so caching it across a call to user code is safe. var readable = stream._readable; var controller = stream._transformStreamController; var flushPromise = controller._flushAlgorithm(); TransformStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(controller); // Return a promise that is fulfilled with undefined on success. return transformPromiseWith(flushPromise, function () { if (readable._state === 'errored') { throw readable._storedError; } ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(readable._readableStreamController); }, function (r) { TransformStreamError(stream, r); throw readable._storedError; }); } // TransformStreamDefaultSource Algorithms function TransformStreamDefaultSourcePullAlgorithm(stream) { // Invariant. Enforced by the promises returned by start() and pull(). TransformStreamSetBackpressure(stream, false); // Prevent the next pull() call until there is backpressure. return stream._backpressureChangePromise; } // Helper functions for the TransformStreamDefaultController. function defaultControllerBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("TransformStreamDefaultController.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a TransformStreamDefaultController"); } // Helper functions for the TransformStream. function streamBrandCheckException(name) { return new TypeError("TransformStream.prototype." + name + " can only be used on a TransformStream"); } export { ByteLengthQueuingStrategy, CountQueuingStrategy, ReadableByteStreamController, ReadableStream, ReadableStreamBYOBReader, ReadableStreamBYOBRequest, ReadableStreamDefaultController, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, TransformStream, TransformStreamDefaultController, WritableStream, WritableStreamDefaultController, WritableStreamDefaultWriter }; //# sourceMappingURL=ponyfill.mjs.map